Sunday, June 8, 2008

Counting my blessings

My three kids were playing together the other day, and it was so cute to see Tilly and Hyatt crowded around Kiersa in her walker, just keeping her happy and squishing her cheeks. I was overwhelmed with love and appreciation for my three babies.
There was a time that I believed I'd never be able to have any children, and to now sit and watch the three of them play together... I'm almost brought to tears. I love them all so much and am so grateful to be their Mommy. I thought everyone might want to see some cute pictures of them playing together.

I know many mothers prefer not to stay home, or circumstances don't allow them to, so I feel extremely blessed to be in a circumstance that allows me to be home with my children to raise them and be with them every moment that they need me, and I'm grateful to my husband for being a man of understanding and strength, and enabling me to fulfill the one dream I've had all my life: to be a stay-at-home mom. My family makes me feel complete and I want for nothing. Life IS beautiful.


John-Maren Goodman said...

I totally feel the same as you Tiana...BLESSED!! You are such a great mom that your husband and the lord wouldn't have it any other way then to be there all the time for your awesome, beautiful kids~! I'm also glad that I get the amazing opportunity to be home with my babies.

Love Maren

Teresa Jolley said...

Me too!! Thank goodness for our amazing husbands to allow this awesome opportunity for us. Love your kids blog. So I guess Kiersa does nothing new. Just like to bounce on the tramp huh??? I'm going to give you a hard time about everything you know.

Margaret said...

I could not had said it better. I feel so blessed to be a stay at home mom too and I just thank my lucky stars that I have a husband that is able to make this wish of mine come true.

I Love your BLOG and your kids blogs too. I am blog

p.s What kind of camera do you have. It takes great pics. Let me know.

My e-mail