Monday, June 9, 2008

Twin Terror curse

Dallas and Weston, my little brothers, who happen to be twins, and the youngest in the family, have a curse that they just can't seem to shake. The curse is that no matter where they are, or how old they are, they will leave some sort of damage in their wake. When they were little more than infants, the damage was already $100 a week at home. I love to have them visit, but they do unfortunately bring their curse with them every time. Sometimes it's been that one borrows my bike only to bring it back with the shifting mechanism dangling by the chain, or one leaves Hyrum's bike behind a car and Shira runs over it, or one breaks the knives in my knife set or my spatulas. I have an endless list of damage! They came up to my house yesterday for the week, and already the damage has begun. The twin terror curse strikes again!

We went bowling tonight since we had our family plus Dallas, Weston, Braden and Jasmine. We went out to pizza first and it took both our vehicles to do it. Hyrum drove his truck with a couple people, and Weston drove our van with me and the kids and Braden. After eating pizza, Weston got in the van and started backing up without looking to his sides first to notice that the doors of the truck were open. Yes, I was yelling for him to look out, but I guess he didn't notice. He smacked the van mirror on the truck door and left a mark on each. Typical. Then when we went bowling, Dallas threw a gutter ball, and after riding in the gutter for about 10 feet, it suddenly and unexplainably popped out of the gutter into the next lane, and on its way it smacked some box thing that was on the lane divider, scattering it's parts into the lanes. The owner was ticked and shut down their game. He didn't believe their story since it hasn't happened in his 30 years of bowling. Blame it on the curse!

We had a good time anyway.

Here's Dallas' nasty poison oak eye.

Tilly didn't do too well with my help, but great with Hyrum's.

When she wasn't bowling, Tilly was entertaining Kiersa. She's the best bigger sister ever!

The ball was as big as his body, but Hyatt did great with it.

After getting a spare, Tilly did a celebratory dance.

Hyrum had serious skills compared to me, so he helped the kids get better scores.

Where are those balls coming from???

Though she didn't do much bowling, Kiersa seemed to have a good time. Her fingers or fists are constantly in her mouth.

1 comment:

Teresa Jolley said...

Did Hyrum Get that truck that he has always wanted?? I saw it in the picture so I was just wondering