Thursday, June 5, 2008

Prayers for fat

I've been on a health kick lately, so I've been trying to eat healthier foods and exercise by walking/jogging most every day, even getting up especially early to do it before Hyrum leaves for work (you can tell I'm desperate to shed some pounds because I dislike jogging and I prefer to wake up around 8am or later.). Before we shut off our satellite, I'd watch "You Are What You Eat" on BBC America to learn how to be healthier, and Tilly would watch it with me. She'd ask about it, so we'd discuss how the people were unhealthy before and that's why they had big tummies and nasty poo (you'd have to see the show to understand about the poo-Nazi). Though she has a serious sweet tooth, Tilly has been conscious lately of what's healthy and unhealthy to eat, and she'll often ask me if this or that is healthy for her. I've previously mentioned how she recently informed Hyrum how to be a skinny daddy, and just so you know how much she's been thinking about his health lately, in her prayers last night, she prayed,

"Please help Daddy to eat healthy foods so he will be healthy and his tummy will get smaller and smaller and he will be a skinny daddy and not a fat daddy."

Hyrum suspected I'd coached her, but I swear I didn't! I think he's very handsome! I always tell her only Santa Claus can be called fat. Kids just know better.
FYI: He IS pushing out.

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