Monday, June 30, 2008

Tag from Angi

How To Play This Game of Tag: Post these rules on your blog. List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.

JOYS (aside from the top 2 family & faith)
1. When Hyrum works from home or when the kids and I get to go with him on errands.
2. How it feels when I'm sad and Hyrum cuddles me into his chest. I swear my body is a matching puzzle piece to his. I LOVE how it feels to be hugged by him! That's part of what got me stuck on him in the first place.
3. Seeing Talea and Hyatt play together, without them knowing I'm watching. I could watch that all day and not get tired of it.

1. death of a loved one
2. divorce
3. abandonment

1. I want Hyrum and I to be just as close to one another in 50 years as we are today. I don't want to be empty-nesters with nothing in common since the kids left.
2. Eat healthy so I won't have prematurely deteriorated health. I want a high quality of life so I can RV with Hyrum when we're older and not be uncomfortable!
3. Have our house ready to move into by the time this next baby is born.

1. I don't collect anything (I HATE clutter), but I organize everything (I love containers and labels).
2. Doing what it takes to prevent any more stretch marks.
3. Keeping the dirt nightmare outside from creeping into my house. I just scrubbed the floors on my hands and knees and I'll smack the first person who makes them dirty enough to make me get down and do that again!

1. Though I'm a home ec major, I really dislike cooking.
2. I want to be trailer trash when I grow up! Well, actually, Hyrum and I want to be RVers when we're retired and just live in our motorhome and go when we want and stop when we want and visit our kids all the time.
3. I don't feel instantly bonded to my babies when they're born. At first, they feel as distant to me as though they are someone else's baby, and I just feel relieved that I'm done and it's out without too much damage. Then within the next few hours I get that strong motherhood bond.

1. Daisha (although she may think it's lame)
2. Amanda
3. Kylene
4. Teresa
5. Maren

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Gidde up!

What's the best thing to do right after a bath? Ride your bed like a horse, that's what!

Cowboys and Cowgirls

After working on the house project and hauling loads of poo, we went over to the fairgrounds (just a couple of blocks away). Kyle (Hyrum's employee) and his family were there for a horse thing, so we took the kids and watched some barrel racing and pole bending. We even saw a girl fall off her horse while going around a barrel. One kid that was riding a full-sized horse couldn't have been more than 3 years old. Considering how much Hyrum and I are into horses, it's embarrassing that our kids have only ridden horses a couple of times.

Kyle's daughter's horse was there, so they let our kids ride it. Earlier, when we picked up the horse manure, I had asked Hyatt if he wanted a horse, and he was totally against it. I asked if he wanted to ride one, and he furrowed his brow and said "No!" Here's what his furrowed brow looks like.

When we got to riding the horse, Hyatt had a change of heart and decided he wanted to try it. Who is this child and who took Hyatt?

Talea was all about the horse too! Hyrum even taught her how to ride by herself, which she LOVED! She's really good at reigning already.

She made it back up...

and turn to either side. She even reigned it around a car following Hyrum's directions. She's a natural!

The only problem now is that my kids are dying to ride all the time. Hyatt woke up from his nap and cryed about wanting to ride the horses again. I've GOT to find them riding lessons somewhere so they'll be happy AND learn technique. Can you guess what shoes Hyatt wants to wear now? Only his cowboy boots! Look how dirty they are already.

One day on a horse and he's a cowboy convert!

Work and play

Saturday started out as another work day. Hyrum and the twins worked on moving the dirt conveyor and then rented a jack hammer. The kids were lucky and got to play with friends. The two neighbor kids moved away a few weeks ago, but were back for a visit, so Tilly went next door to play Polly Pockets while Hyrum and I took the other two kids with us to get a couple of loads of crap. Yes, I said crap. We found a place close by with free fertilizer (horse manure) so we got a couple of loads for our yard so we can put down sod soon. While there, we looked at the stables he rents out and dreamed of a time when the house would be done so we could take a remodeling break and get Talea a horse and get her into all things equine. She LOVES horses, and I'd rather she was into horses than boys when she's a teen. After the poop scooping, Talea's friend, Hannah, came over and begged us to attend her birthday party later in Coquille. My neighbor had told me about it a couple hours earlier, but I hadn't planned on attending until Hannah looked at me with puppy-dog-eyes. I didn't have a gift, or time to get one, and we were scrounged and covered with dirt as always, but I bathed the kids and we drove over to Coquille only to find out it was a family affair. Needless to say, I felt a bit awkward to be the only non-family member, and it was just a barbeque with not enough food, so we stayed for just a few minutes and left. Awkward!!

While at the party, Tilly sat too close to the carmel dip for the apples and ended up with carmel all over in her hair, though I didn't notice it until hours later when her hair became a rat ball in the back and her hood was all smeared. So much for a bath and clean clothes!

Keirsa was popular with the older ladies, but you should have seen their jaws drop when they found out I'm pregnant again already. Of all my kids, Kiersa has been the most fascinated with her tongue.

Hyatt loved the water guns, but it wouldn't work so I got to hear "There's no water in it!" over and over. There wasn't a place to fill them up!

Hyrum was surprised to see us back so soon, but we had plans to go to a horse show later, so we just watched him work for a while. He jack hammered concrete while we lounged on the only grass left in our yard.

While we were lying around, we heard a bird ruckus across the street. The American Kestrel's were out of the nest and trying to muster up courage to fly. No such luck. They just wandered around the roof. I'm telling you, bird watching is so interesting! No wonder my sister Melanie's family is so into it. A pair of binoculars and a bird book and you're all set!

This is the historic Mason building next door. I dream of some rich Mason donating a bunch of money for its restoration to improve the property values. Look at the upper left corner of the roof.

I've never seen a Kestrel before, but they're actually really pretty and look like small hawks.

After a little bird watching, there's nothing like fresh baked cookies! The kids picked grass and put it in my post hole digger saying "We're making cookies!" It was Hyatt's idea. So cute to see him do imaginary play!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Dead power cells

On our way home from the store yesterday, Kiersa was crying in her car seat, as usual, so I made her a bottle. Talea was holding the bottle, but after just a couple of seconds, she said "Weston, hold the bottle! I'm running out of power!" He had headphones on and couldn't hear her, so she directed her complaint toward me. "Mommy, I can't hold the bottle anymore. I'm running out of power!" Then she leaned back, flopped her head to the side, and feigned sleep. I love the words she comes up with to describe her feelings.

A good day...for bed head

On Thursday morning, I was supposed to drive down to Gold Beach and pick up Dallas from football camp before 9 am. It's 1 1/2 hours, each way, so I wasn't looking forward to the trip with all three kids and no help. We happened to wake up at 5:45, and before falling back asleep I asked Hyrum if he wanted to jog with me. He said he'd go with me down to Gold Beach instead if we left right away, so I took him up on his offer. I LOVE going anywhere as an entire family, so I was excited. I threw on some clothes, put my hair back, put the kids on the toilet, changed Kiersa's diaper, then off we went, the kids in PJs and all.

The kids and I identified some birds while Hyrum was off looking for Dallas among the tents, then we headed home. Hyrum had an appointment at 10, so we had to head straight back to his office. Yeah, we looked a little haggard with our bed head and PJs, and of course we had to get out of the car and go inside because the appointment took a couple of hours and the kids needed to pee and get drinks. It's always embarrassing to look so cruddy in front of Hyrum's customers, but hey, it's pretty rural here, so maybe they didn't notice. The customers were a pediatrician in the area and his wife. They had two kids and were wanting more but they have pretty bad infertility issues and the pills weren't helping them anymore, so after hearing that I was pregnant again, she came up and rubbed shoulders with me in hopes that my fertility would rub off on her.

I just love days when I can hang out with Hyrum, even if I'm in the back of the shop watching the kids run around while he's with a customer, or we're just driving in the car for hours, or he's working on kitchen designs at the's just fun to have him close by. That's my favorite thing about his job. We get to see him a lot!

WalMart parking lot of torture

I swear the Coos Bay SuperWalMart parking lot is cursed.

It all started on Dec. 10, 2005, when I seriously sprained my ankle on a manhole cover (where the pavement slopes down to the cover). I know that sounds stupid, but I was pregnant! I always fall or trip while I'm pregnant. I even fell last weekend while holding Kiersa when we were camping (I tripped on the tent flap thing. Don't worry, I sacrificed myself for Kiersa, so she was fine and didn't notice a thing.) Anyway, I've had nothing but problems with my ankle ever since. In fact, it's locked today (again), so I wasn't able to go on my jog this morning. I did pilates instead.

Yesterday, we went to WalMart with the twins, and just after we got out of the car, Talea was walking around the back by the hitch and she started saying "ouch, ouch, ouch!" The ouches quickly escalated into screams. She was holding her leg, so Weston thought she had hit her leg on the hitch, but she was crying so bad, so we knew it had to be something else. We pulled up her shorts to see if we could find anything, and there it was! A wasp stuck in her shorts, and it stung her three times before we got it off and smashed it. So now Tilly has had her first sting. We looked for sting medicine when we got in the store so she'd stop wailing, but only found Barbie band-aids, which worked just as well. She was fine once we opened the box and put one on her. She said stings hurt much worse than shots, and that shots don't hurt. Remember, Talea is a girl who will request two shots when she doesn't even need them in order to get two band-aids. Her big question for the day was "Why do wasps have to have poison in them?!"

Several years ago, right after Dane and Karen moved up to Coquille, Karen locked her keys in the car at WalMart and they were stranded in the parking lot with a cart full of groceries and only milk to drink from the jug in the heat, so the curse isn't only with us.

So if you visit Coos Bay and happen to stop off at WalMart, beware of the parking lot! You never know what will happen.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hyatt's personal lake

After the airshow and camping, we did a little mountain lake exploration on our way down to Ashland to pick up Weston.

First we stopped at the "Great Meadow", which was more like a great marsh, with clean water. I guess the water hasn't receded this early in the season to make it a meadow yet. It was full of tadpoles, so we let the kids play with those, but we learned our lesson from the tadpoles last year and didn't take any home with us (we didn't have too many survivors last time). We were hoping to find some interesting birds, but only saw two kinds in the whole meadow! A mallard duck, of course, and some brown-headed cow birds, which interestingly enough lay their eggs in other nests and the babies hatch quickly and kick out their competition and a foster mother ends up raising it. Interesting, for such a plain-looking bird.

After we tormented too many tadpoles, we went on to Lake of the Woods (my favorite natural mountain lake) only to be horrified by the $6 parking price! Holy cow! What happened to the days when camping was $5 and parking was free! My Cluff instinct kicked in and we opted not to pay the price just to get out and look for crawdads like I did when I'd go camping with the McKays. Crawdads aren't THAT cool.

Next we decided to drive by a couple of lakes that I passed by the entrances of a million times growing up, but never actually visited. First Howard Prairie Lake, and then Hyatt lake. Yes, I thought it was pretty cool when I was naming Hyatt that it was also the name of a lake in my favorite state. That's not the reason for his name though.
A couple weeks ago we went to Johnson pond to do some bird watching, and now we were visiting Hyatt Lake. What's next? Kiersa Creek? Hyatt felt pretty proud when we told him this was HIS lake.

We loved the lake, but the ride in the truck down the Greensprings equaled carsickness for Hyatt. Poor guy threw up in a baggie (my kids get carsick, but luckily give me warning before they explode), and then suffered the pain of nausea until we got to my parents' house. I know these pictures are sad, and maybe look mean to have taken, but I wanted a record of his carsickness for him, and there really wasn't anything I could have done after holding his puke bag. Don't you feel so bad for him? I hate it when my kids are hurting! I feel so helpless!

Carsickness aside, this was a GREAT day and I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!! I have the best husband ever, and such great kids. Pregnant and all, I'm feeling pretty great right now.


I know this is kind of random, but I thought for my personal photo journaling (my blog) this would be an interesting thing to record. All three of my kids have inherited the Johnson eyebrows, thankfully, but it's a mix when it comes to their tongues. The girls follow after their dad, but Hyatt is more Cluff. The Cluff tongue is known to be rather tongue-tied (short) and rounded. The Johnson tongue is long and pointy. Hyrum and Kiersa can both stick theirs out farther, but I just don't have pictures of it. Hyatt is at his max, and mine isn't much better than what's shown.

Sandblasted by the KFalls airshow

Klamath Falls had an airshow over the weekend that we attended. It's 4 hours away, but it had the Thunderbirds coming to it, so we had to go! If you're not sure who the Thunderbirds are, they are the Air Force's version of the Blue Angels, which basically are really great pilots who do cool formations in flight.

My George cousins, Dusty and Tome, and their families were going too, so we tagged along with them (thanks guys, it was fun to catch up!) and we all went camping. This is the first time we've been camping since we've had kids, (I know, pathetic), and we've discovered that camping in a tent with small children and a baby isn't very fun for the other campers in the area.

A baby crying in the night, little kids laughing and talking too loud and too late or made it a bit stressful worrying about what other people were going to say to us. Setting up and packing up the tent and sleeping bags and gear was a pain for Hyrum since I had my hands full of kids. The Georges are smart because they go camping in trailers now that they have kids, and we've resolved to get one ourselves now, though not a cute retro one like theirs. We have too many kids now for one that size! Aside from the mosquito plague, it was fun to finally get out and do a little camping with the kids.

The next morning we went to the airshow, but first we waited in a horrific line of traffic (probably nothing compared to Seattle or LA, but for us little-towners, it was pretty awful).

We picked a spot and lined up our chairs. From left to right is Tilly, Hyatt, Tome, her son Jude, Emily holding her son Brock and Dusty holding his daughter McKenna.

The weather decided not too cooperate that much, and though I'm grateful we weren't baking in the hot sun (we hate the heat and sun...our little family is comprised of shade lovers), the wind was whipping up the dirt and sand blasting us and our camera and...well, everything.

Notice the haze in this picture? The lens was coated with dust.

The kids weren't too thrilled about the wind and dust getting in their eyes, but they liked being fooled into thinking the trick planes really were crashing.

We got a few raindrops on us, but overall is was fun to be there. You're not allowed to bring food or drinks in, so poor Hyrum spent almost the entire airshow waiting in lines. He waited for an hour in a line to get a couple of stupid $5 hot dogs for us, just to be told they were all out right when he got to the front. So off to another horrendous line he went, only to end up getting salads after another huge wait, but I was happier with that anyway.

Dusty got McKenna nachos and she graced me with a "cheesy" grin.

Hyatt goofed around with his ear protection and ended up looking like he was doing the "chubby" story.

Here are scenes from the show:

A WW2 plane flew with a plane used today for the military. It was crazy to see the difference in the two up close like that.

A couple of planes did their fancy tricks, even with the wind and threats of rain.
Either the crowd just let out one huge, collective fluff, or else a pyrotechnics display just went off and I missed the fireball.

Dallas and Weston came by while they were there doing a service project for Youth Conference.

The Thunderbirds were the finale to the show, and they really were amazing. Hyrum took TONS of pictures of them, but here are just two. Click on them to enlarge.

Though we left a bit early and watched the Thunderbirds in the parking lot so we could skip the exiting traffic jam, somehow we still got stuck in it for almost an hour, even though we were less than 100 ft from the exit.
We did some playing around in KFalls afterward and got to our tent after dark, so luckily the mosquitoes weren't out full force. Our hair felt like straw and all crevices were caked with dirt, so we took showers and went to bed.

Can you find Hyatt?

Next time we go to an airshow, we'll sneak our own food so we can spend our time looking at planes and having fun, rather than waiting in a food line. And we'll go camping in a trailer!
The coolest thing about this whole trip, for me, was that though Hyatt wears underwear at home, we put him in pullups on this trip since we weren't sure how he'd do with the traveling and airshow and camping, but he didn't have ONE accident! I'd say he's about 95% pottytrained now. He just has occassional wet nights, and rare accidents in the day. My goal is to have him completely done, day and night, by the 4th of July. I'm one of those funny moms that don't consider my child accomplished with a task until they're proficient. I don't consider my kids "walking" unless all they do is walk and they do it alone, which is normally 9-10 months for my kids. I don't consider them "talking" until they actually use the right words for what they mean, are using at least two words at a time if not a sentence, and are talking a lot, which wasn't until 21 months for Hyatt. I don't consider them "potty-trained" until all diapers and pullups are banished from use because of not needing them anymore, which was 2 yrs and 3 months for Tilly, hence my 4th of July goal for Hyatt. To each his own!
Oh, the next day of our weekend was even more fun than the airshow, so maybe that's cooler than Hyatt staying dry, but that's for another post.