Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thrills and chills

On Tuesday afternoon, we had a last minute urgent need to run up to Albany. We finally found a conveyor belt to rent, so we threw everyone in the car and made the 3 hour trip up there. On our way back, as the sun was setting...

...strange things began to happen. An eerie mist began to creep over the hills...

...water bottles began to stick to fingers...

...cute kids were transformed into nerds...

...babies fell asleep instead of screaming...

...searching for the sharp tooth snail became irresistable...

...eyes were poked voluntarily...

...and hair stood on end.

Watch out for those haunted coast drives!!

1 comment:

The Lanyons said...

Ewww! Is Hyrum really picking his nose?! Hope you had baby wipes handy!