Tuesday, June 3, 2008

You Stink!

The other day we went to the mall in Medford, and while we were in the Children's Place looking for sunhats for our San Diego vacation, Hyatt hid from view and pooped in his PullUps. It stunk really bad, so Hyrum teased him about it. It went like this:

Hyrum: "Hyatt, guess what."
Hyatt: "What"
Hyrum: "You stink."

At first Hyatt denied it, but then he just accepted the fact that, yes, he did in fact reak to the high heavens. Big Hy and Little Hy bantered back and forth like this several dozen times before we got the chance to change the foul diaper. But, before Hyatt was changed, he finally said:

Hyatt: "Daddy, guess what."
Hyrum: "What"
Hyatt: "I stink!"

It was pretty funny. It was even funnier later when Hyatt said, at an appropriate time:

Hyatt: "Daddy, guess what."
Hyrum: "What"
Hyatt: "YOU stink!"

Now, he says "guess what" for everything! He especially uses it to express his love.
Hyatt: "Mommy, guess what."
Tiana: "What"
Hyatt: "I love you."

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