Thursday, January 29, 2009

Teresa's Tag

1. What song do you sing the most when you're alone?
Well, today, a lullaby by stinkin' Billy Joel that Hyrum plays for the kids every night before they fall asleep WILL NOT get out of my head. Normally, I don't have certain songs in my head. Only ones that get accidentally stuck there.

2. What is the last thing you remember dreaming about?
Some weird dream about Hyrum cheating on me, which is funny because it's the first one I've had with this pregnancy, and usually I have them almost weekly while I'm pregnant. When I'm pregnant, I have FREAKY weird dreams.

3. Do you hate getting muddy?
Only when I'm dressed in good clothes. If I'm gardening, I don't mind a bit.

4. Are you self-conscious about the way you eat?
Sort of. I probably eat like a Cluff, which isn't a beautiful sight. I'm afraid I'd disgust Darin after hearing he gets annoyed by how certain people eat.

5. How many people have a nickname for you?
Well, my siblings have called me things over the years, but really only Hyrum has nicknames, well, pet names, for me.

6. Which child are you? (1st, 2nd, last, etc.) 6th

7. Do you like to be scared?
If it's going to haunted houses or forests, or scary movies, then yes. But I hate walking in the dark and having my imagination run wild.

8. Does wasting time annoy you?
Depends. If some project needs to get done, then yes. But if it's a lazy day, then no.

9. Non-believer or believer?

10. Favorite composer?
I'm not into music enough to have a favorite.

11. Favorite fabric?
Cotton knit.

12. Do you like reading out loud?
I don't mind it, but I usually read too fast for people's taste.

13. What are people sick of hearing you talk about?
I don't know...being pregnant? Being fat? My heartburn? No one's really said anything, so I imagine it's whatever I'm complaining about at the moment.

14. Ergonomic or Standard keyboard?
I've never used an ergonomic one, but I imagine it would feel better on my carpal tunnel. I love my mouse that has a ball you maneuver instead of moving a mouse around. It's MUCH better on my carpal tunnel!

15. Is your hair naturally curly, wavy or straight?

16. Do your eyes change color?
More when I was young, but they do appear more green or blue depending on my shirt.

17. Do you break the speed limit?
I usually set my cruise at 5 over, so yes.

18. What's your nervous habit?
Biting my nails. Finding something to do with my hands.

19. What's worse: Spiders or Cockroaches?
Cockroaches, unless it's a poisonous spider.

20. Most mundane thing in your life?
My routine: Wake up, get the kids ready, go to work, go home, go to bed. But so much happens in each step each day that I wouldn't say my life is mundane.

21. Do you like the way you look?
Well, I'm pretty critical of myself...don't like my nose, my teeth, my hair, my pores, my body shape...but overall I'm not too shabby. I do have a lot of work to do before I feel self-confident though.

22. Do you dodge questions like #21?
No. I believe in brutal honesty, and I'll give it if I think someone can handle it. Sometimes I give it even when people can't handle it. Oops.

23. Are you a 'rubbernecker'?
Mostly when I'm the passenger. I'm not bad enough that I slow traffic to do it.

24. Do you get faint when you see blood?
Not usually, but I HATE it with a passion. I could NEVER be in the medical field.

25. Can you smell your own perfume/cologne?
No, because I NEVER wear perfume. I'm anti-perfume and would be pleased if everyone else was too. I HATE it when I can smell someone's perfume/cologne and won't allow Hyrum to wear it. It makes me feel sick. I've lived with a couple of Johnson's who were big-time perfume/cologne wearers, and that was TOUGH on me. I avoid scented aisles in stores like the plague.

26. Do you like grapefruit?
LOVE it!

27. Are you good at taking care of plants?
No, but I love them. I'm not so bad with outdoor ones, but I can't seem to keep indoor ones alive. Not even my cacti lived past a couple of years!

28. How many people are you comfortable saying "I love you" to?
My family, my grandparents, my Cluff family, most of my in-laws, some other relatives and a few friends.

29. Do you play video games?
Never. I won't buy a system. Oh wait. Our friends pulled out their wii the other day and I bowled and boxed. It was actually pretty fun. I usually can't stand what a waste of time video games are, but I got some exercise out of the wii, so it was nice.

30. Which famous person do you most identify with?
I haven't the faintest clue. Shira says I look like Claire Daines, which I'm not thrilled about, but whatever. I don't keep up with celebrities personal lives to know who I'm like.

31. Do you prefer to be hot or cold?
Cold. You can always put more layers on, but there's only so much you can take off before you're naked and still sweaty. I hate sweat. I like it around 65-70 degrees. I love the shade and can't stand being in the sun. Lying on the beach has absolutely no appeal to me whatsoever. I'd be in the shade under a palm tree or something. I think tanning is ludicrous. My favorite thing about my current location is the temperature and weather.

32. What do you collect?
Not much. My mom's pack rat tendencies have cured me of ever wanting to be a collector. Less is more in my opinion and I can't stand clutter. My apartment is cluttered from lack of space, and it drives me crazy! If I find I'm collecting things, I stop, then I start tossing. I refuse to have a house and barn full of "stuff"!

33. How would you spend $100,000?
If it landed in my lap after my house was done it would go to tithing and investments. If it landed in my lap right now, my house (and tithing) would suck it up immediately so I could move into it.

34. Do you remember faces or names better?
Faces, by far.

35. If you were a different race, what would you choose to be?
Something seriously exotic, like English...ha ha. Honestly, I have no idea.

36. Do you worry about politics?
Nah. They're always up and down and debated way too much. I hate talking politics!

37. If your life were controlled by a steering wheel, how many people's hands are on it?
Quite a few. I worry too much about what other people think of me. I'm a follower, not a leader.

38. Do you like your initials?
TLJ...they're fine, I guess, but my maiden name gave me way cooler initials...TLC

39. Do you still have guilt about the worst thing you ever did?
Probably, but I can't pinpoint one thing that was so super bad...that I haven't mended. I've tried really hard throughout my life to avoid regret, and I think I've done pretty well. I stuck to my main goals in life and accomplished all of them, thankfully. (I'm not trying to gloat, I'm just reflecting and patting myself on the back for hanging in there when times got tough.)

40. What superhero are you most like?
Again, I have no clue. Ever-pregnant girl, if that's a superhero.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Weekend by the waves

While the weather was gorgeous, and the Goodman's were here to give us incentive, we took off on Saturday and Sunday (a couple weeks ago) and did a weekend trip up the Oregon coast. The Goodman's drove our mini van and we drove our new SUV (we traded in our truck so we could accommodate another baby in February).

It was such a fun trip!

We just drove up Hwy 101 and stopped at most all of the look out points to explore all that we could.

This is by the Umpqua light house.

This is next to the Sea Lion Caves. When Hyrum and I paid to go to the cave a few years ago, we thought it was a waste of money, so we just broke out the binoculars and watched the sea lions play in the waves this trip.

We finally found a parking area with beach access and it was almost time for the sun to set, so we got some fun pictures.

The adorable Goodman silhouettes:

Kiersa's getting more courage for walking.

We stopped just north of Newport to try to play in the tide pools at low tide, but it was a pretty steep climb down to the ocean. We braved it anyway with 5 kids under 4, and though we got close to the bottom,

a waterfall ended up in our way.

We climbed back up to the top, and then John found an alternate route (John is way down there...can you spot him?),

but poor Maren's fear of heights had already gotten the best of her and the tide was beginning to come in, so we ditched the idea of trying to scale down again with the kids.

We drove on up 101 as far as Lincoln City, had lunch, then turned around and went back to Newport and visited the Oregon Coast Aquarium. The last time we went there, Hyatt was a baby, and now that Tilly is older, she ADORED it! If it was a little closer, I'd get a year round pass and take her monthly. She couldn't get enough of the sea creatures and fish!

Kiersa and the other kids had a great time watching the otters, and we were able to see them feed the seals and sea lions.

The otter got a little frisky with himself, which the kids found interesting. What do you do?

Here's Maren's little crew.

Poor John recently came down with carpal tunnel syndrome and his hands have been driving him nuts, especially at night. The work he's doing on our house isn't helping the situation at all. You can see the brace he's wearing in this picture. I can feel his pain!! My carpal tunnel is so aggravated while I'm pregnant.





Johnsons in 2009 and 2006


Tiana 2009 and 2006

Hyrum 2009 and 2006




Talea was THRILLED to pet a little shark and the bat rays.

And the anemones are always a big hit.

Inside a fish tank!

Talea 2009

Talea 2006

A gorgeous end to a fun day.

We ended our trip by stopping by a mom & pop shop to get some saltwater taffy and Tillamook ice cream. Fun times!
It is SO MUCH FUN when friends and family come to visit and we get a chance to go off and do fun things that we never do without the incentive of visitors. Hopefully more weekends like this are in our future. Maybe Wildlife Safari? We took Teresa there with her little family years ago.

36 weeks...only 4 weeks to go

My computer has been on the fritz ever since my brothers came to visit, so I'm way behind on my journaling. We did a weekend coast trip with the Goodmans and a bunch of other stuff has happened that I haven't been able to post about since my computer is down. I can't post any pictures here at work, so I've just been waiting...and waiting. I'm tired of waiting so I'm going to post this from work...without pictures.

I've decided to post about my 36 week appointment yesterday though, since I don't have pictures for it anyway.

My blood pressure is still low, so it's highly unlikely that I'll get toxemia. I just get swollen randomly for no reason I guess.

I lost 2 pounds!!!! Shocking but true! I'm back down to 177. I was SURE I'd gain AT LEAST 4 more pounds with Hyrum and Maren's sweet tooth and thus the constant cookie and dessert production that happens at my house lately, so I refused to step on the scale for the last 2 weeks for fear of seeing the number above 180. It's exciting news for me to lose weight though, because my trend always seems to be that I lose weight just before the baby arrives. Hopefully this means I don't have long.

Maren swears that it looks like the baby has dropped, but I don't know. I think it seems lower, but not too low yet. My belly is at 36 1/2 cm now, so I'm not shrinking by any means. Everyone at church is shocked at how big my belly is. As I walk by, I'll hear, "Oh...heavy load, huh?" or similar things. I swear this baby is enormous compared to my other ones at 36 weeks. Every movement the baby makes seems to throw me around. The doctor gave me the sad news that it feels like it's already close to 7 pounds, so I'm terrified it's going to be a 9 pounder if I go full term. No wonder I'm getting stretch marks!! My doctor doesn't think I'll make it to 40 weeks though, and he's been right on with my others. He thinks I'll only go to 38 or 39 weeks.

After my appointment, we went to Walmart and did some grocery shopping. I had a bunch of contractions while there, so I had Hyrum check last night to see if I've begun dilating, and sure enough, I have, though I'm only at a 1. Just a few days ago, I wasn't dilating at all. (Uh, in case you didn't know, my doctor taught Hyrum how to check my dilation since Hyrum has no fear, so that's how I know when to head to the Hyrum telling me how far I'm dilated.)

As far as I'm concerned, this baby can come out any time, but I guess technically it needs to be in there until next Monday to get to 37 weeks so it's not considered pre-term. But seriously, I'm scared of pushing a monster-sized baby out. After Monday, I think I'll be walkin' 'round the neighborhood!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hair-raising story

Hyatt was getting pretty shaggy,

and his rat tail was unacceptable.

So it was time to break out the scissors.

The problem with cutting Hyatt's hair is that he has two cowlicks on the back of his head, like his Uncle David, so when his hair is short, those two cowlicks make his hair stand up like a rooster in the middle of his head, toward the back. I really don't know what to do about it.

Look, Mom! No rat tail!