Sunday, June 29, 2008

Work and play

Saturday started out as another work day. Hyrum and the twins worked on moving the dirt conveyor and then rented a jack hammer. The kids were lucky and got to play with friends. The two neighbor kids moved away a few weeks ago, but were back for a visit, so Tilly went next door to play Polly Pockets while Hyrum and I took the other two kids with us to get a couple of loads of crap. Yes, I said crap. We found a place close by with free fertilizer (horse manure) so we got a couple of loads for our yard so we can put down sod soon. While there, we looked at the stables he rents out and dreamed of a time when the house would be done so we could take a remodeling break and get Talea a horse and get her into all things equine. She LOVES horses, and I'd rather she was into horses than boys when she's a teen. After the poop scooping, Talea's friend, Hannah, came over and begged us to attend her birthday party later in Coquille. My neighbor had told me about it a couple hours earlier, but I hadn't planned on attending until Hannah looked at me with puppy-dog-eyes. I didn't have a gift, or time to get one, and we were scrounged and covered with dirt as always, but I bathed the kids and we drove over to Coquille only to find out it was a family affair. Needless to say, I felt a bit awkward to be the only non-family member, and it was just a barbeque with not enough food, so we stayed for just a few minutes and left. Awkward!!

While at the party, Tilly sat too close to the carmel dip for the apples and ended up with carmel all over in her hair, though I didn't notice it until hours later when her hair became a rat ball in the back and her hood was all smeared. So much for a bath and clean clothes!

Keirsa was popular with the older ladies, but you should have seen their jaws drop when they found out I'm pregnant again already. Of all my kids, Kiersa has been the most fascinated with her tongue.

Hyatt loved the water guns, but it wouldn't work so I got to hear "There's no water in it!" over and over. There wasn't a place to fill them up!

Hyrum was surprised to see us back so soon, but we had plans to go to a horse show later, so we just watched him work for a while. He jack hammered concrete while we lounged on the only grass left in our yard.

While we were lying around, we heard a bird ruckus across the street. The American Kestrel's were out of the nest and trying to muster up courage to fly. No such luck. They just wandered around the roof. I'm telling you, bird watching is so interesting! No wonder my sister Melanie's family is so into it. A pair of binoculars and a bird book and you're all set!

This is the historic Mason building next door. I dream of some rich Mason donating a bunch of money for its restoration to improve the property values. Look at the upper left corner of the roof.

I've never seen a Kestrel before, but they're actually really pretty and look like small hawks.

After a little bird watching, there's nothing like fresh baked cookies! The kids picked grass and put it in my post hole digger saying "We're making cookies!" It was Hyatt's idea. So cute to see him do imaginary play!

1 comment:

The Lanyons said...

Be careful what you wish for on the horse front! Edward's cousin was into horses instead of boys and her first horse died after a long illness and crippling vet bills and the second one has some rare disease which means even more crippling vet bills just to keep it alive (and that was after they had it checked over by professionals for problems before they bought it!) Fun times!