Saturday, November 22, 2008

Update on Baby Names

I've always had a first name picked out before our babies were born. I can't seem to understand how people can see their baby for the first time and see what it looks like in order to name it. That could never work for me! My babies come out looking like trolls, so there's no way I could look at it and decide it looked more like a Talea than a Kyanna, or a Hyatt more than a Hyrum, or a Kiersa more than a Milly, or a Paisley more than a Layla. I'd have to name my kids names like Rumpelstiltskin or Witherwort or something equally as offensive if I named them according to what they "looked like". I love my kids, but man, they're NOT cute fresh out of the womb. I mean, come on, let's be totally honest here. Just look at these pictures. I DARE you to try to deny that my kids aren't trollish at birth. Even the camera couldn't focus half the time! Isn't that a sign?
Talea at birth:

Talea now:

Hyatt at birth:

Hyatt now:

Kiersa at birth:

Kiersa now:

So now you can see why I have to think of a name beforehand and have it picked at the time of birth. My kids NOW don't look anything like what they looked like THEN.

I'm always reminded of Bill Cosby's comedy sketch where he says that after his baby was born, he asked if it could be put back in because it didn't look done. It was really ugly. If I named my first baby Talea because that's what she looked like at birth, I'd have to rename her now because she looks so different from how she looked at birth. How do people choose the name according to how their baby looks? Are their babies born super cute? Maybe the babies who are named Seth and Matilda look like trolls, so their parents named them those names accordingly. (Um, if you named your child one of those names, I'm sorry. I just don't like those, personally.)

So here's the name verdict:

Hyrum has vetoed Liza because he can't get past Liza Minnelli and her make-up. I like it from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.

Lilly is far too common, though it might become a nickname at some point if she wants to match her sisters.

So it's down to Layla or Paisley, which happen to be the two names everyone likes the most, and I love them both equally.

Now, we do NOT like common names for our kids. Besides, how can you put a common name with Johnson? They may get lost in a social security and credit check nightmare or have 3 more kids with the same name at their school. I like the sound of Layla Paisley better than Paisley Layla, but Hyrum likes Paisley far better than Layla and the kids refuse to call the baby anything other than Paisley at this point. Also, I have to admit, Paisley is far less common than Layla. Layla is actually pretty high on the popularity charts, and on my poll.

So, it seems Paisley has won the competition for the first name, and Layla will be the middle name. Sorry Tasha! I know you hate Paisley, but I'll never find a name that EVERYONE likes, and I think it's unique. We'll just have to teach Paisley how to work hard so she can pay for her own college tuition instead of you footing the bill. :) The bribe was tempting though. Maybe it'll grow on you, and you did throw away your paisley shirt from the 80's you hated, didn't you? Paisley is the new fashion in London, so it'll hit the US soon! Great, just in time for a boom of kids being named Paisley. I hope not.

Paisley Layla. I think it's cute. That's her name...for now. I'm still taking suggestions though! Talea didn't have her name down for sure until I was 8 or 9 months pregnant.

4 kids, 4 houses

All of my kids came home from their birth at the hospital to different houses.

Talea came home to our house in Sam's Valley.

Yes, it's an ugly manufactured home, but we figured that would be our temporary home until we built our dream home. We loved the remote location and the view, but the rampant poison oak would have posed a problem with our kids. These pictures were taken by Hyrum's dad when he visited, but it was before we had finished fixing up the place. We ended up moving a month or so later to Coquille.

Hyatt came home to our house in Coquille.

It was in the process of being remodeled when he was born, but these are after pictures of the exterior.

Kiersa came home to the apartment we're currently living in, which is just in the backyard of our big house.

I was living in the big house when I left to the hospital to have her, but since we moved most of our belongings into the apartment while I was in labor (it took my mind off it), some friends and family finished the rest of the move while I spent the mandatory 2 days in the hospital (because of the stinkin' group B strep I always test positive for), and we came home to the apartment with the move complete.
These are pictures before the yard was ripped up and anything major was done to the apartment. Actually, we had already put a new staircase on it since a board broke off and I fell off the end of the steps because of it. We had also already replaced the windows upstairs. It still looks pretty much the same still since we want to focus our money on the house before the exterior of the apartment.
By the way, the top floor is the apartment. The bottom floor is the laundry room and all the storage rooms.

Now baby #4 is on her way and we thought it would be so perfect, and miraculous, if the house was somehow livable when I came home from the hospital so that we brought this baby home to a different house, like all the others were. (Can you tell I have a thing for patterns, no matter how cheesy or stupid they are? Maybe I'm obsessive compulsive).

We don't see that happening though, so we're wondering if they make bunk bed cribs. Actually, I think we'll take our crib to the shop and bring back the play yard (playpen) for Kiersa to sleep in (in the living room with the other kids). She just might start sleeping through the night again if she's back in the living room. Then we'll get another play yard for our bedroom that has the bassinet feature for the new baby to sleep in. We'll cram them in like sardines! Hey, if the Duggars fit 17 people in a 3 bedroom house, we can fit 6 people into a one bedroom apartment! (If you're unaware of who the Duggars are, they are the family on TLC that has 17 kids and one more on the way.) I say, the family that crams in together, sticks together! Hy and I crammed in together on a semi for 2 1/2 years, and that bonded us really tight, so maybe the same will happen with us in here with our kids! I hope my kids still really feel close to me when they're teenagers.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Money Pit

This is the house we fell in love with. Such charm. Such character. Look at the Georgian overtone and the great brick chimney. Such potential. So much room! This could be great.

$75,000-100,000 should give it a new face and life, right? Several professionals assured us that's what it should take. Uh, they all were wrong. I've watched a lot of HGTV where it seems that every remodel doubles in budget and time, so I was afraid in the back of my mind that it would end up being more like $150-200,000. Bingo! My fear was more on the money.

I have to record this account about our house, not for others to read and give me pity, but so that someday when this black (literally) hole that's sucking our money into it is finally finished, I can look back at this post and say, "oh, yes, I remember when it felt so bleak and as though there was no light at the end of the tunnel." Hopefully I'll be saying it was all worth it when we sell it for a profit. Pleeeeease let us make a decent profit! It's dropping with every check we write!

We rented the Money Pit (Tom Hanks, Shelly Long) on Monday, and I have to say, we're getting pretty close to the horrors in the movie. They begged and borrowed to buy the house, then found it had to be practically torn down completely to fix it, so they had to find more money to borrow, and live with leaking ceilings (we've done that), holes in the floor (been there), bad plumbing and electrical (yep, can relate to that), and write endless checks (so painful). The piles of dirt and junk in front look very similar to what's been at our place.

I'm going to chant their mantra, "The house is going to be great!" I've seen that movie about 20 times in the past, but it was Hyrum's first time. I used to show it to my Interior Design class when I taught school. It's a good one. We've already sunk $100,000 into this remodel and have at least that much to go to get it finished. We thought $100,000 would cover it, but when we opened the walls and floors and removed the siding, we found the damage was FAR more extensive than we imagined.
Here's what the ceiling looked like where they chopped joists for the upstairs plumbing.

Here's the rot on the inside of the master bedroom window,

And here's what the rot looked like on the outside once we pulled the siding off.

With how extensive the rot became and all the structural damage that occurred when they added plumbing to the house years ago, we had to hire contractors to do the stuff that was way out of our league. We're now stuck with a shell of a house that's a skeleton inside, and no more money to move on to the next step. We're off to see if we can get a construction loan now. Hopefully all goes well so we can finish this Money Pit! If anyone has $100,000 just lying around, I know where you can invest it! Ha ha.

I'm sad to announce that we will most likely be tearing our chimney down and not replacing it. I've been really torn about this decision and feel like I'll be tearing down the charm of the house, but it's looking like it will have to happen. The chimney has been a liability to the house from the beginning since it pulls away from the house so badly, and after we stripped the wood off the fireplace mantle, we were shocked to see how bad it was all caving in. The exterior bricks need to be tucked (mortar shoved back in the cracks) on the top half, and to save it, we'd have to have someone bring in elliptical piers to support it, which means drilling down to bedrock or something...anyway, it will cost us a fortune to save it, or we can rip it down, recycle the bricks onto my front porch, and put in a gas fireplace that doesn't require a chimney. The contractors have been encouraging us to tear it down for a while, but I kept refusing. When they opened up the wall around it yesterday and showed us all the rot around it, that was the last straw. It's fine with me if I never see another board with termite damage, beetle damage or dry rot for the rest of my life.

Thankfully, the house is almost sealed up and weather proof now that the winter rain has hit. I'll have to post pictures once I take some. It's usually too dark for good pictures by the time we get home from work.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Best Friends

I love watching my kids play together...

Since people think Kiersa's a boy even when she's in pink, I've decided not to fight it. I've taken to letting her use Hyatt's hand-me-downs, like his old PJ's which he just outgrew a few months ago. At 9 months old, she's in 18 months clothes now, and Hyatt, at 2 1/2 years old, just barely grew out of all his 18 months stuff and is in 2T.

Time for some random thoughts and notables:

When Obama won the election, gas here in Myrtle Point and Coquille was 2.84, and for Nancy in Kentucky, it was 1.98. I thought 2.84 was good, considering it had maxed out at 4.55 not too many months ago. Now, a couple of weeks after the election, gas finally sunk to 1.99 in Coquille. I wonder what it is in Kentucky now? When was the last time gas was so low? Too many years ago to remember. Before any of my kids were born, that's for sure.

I was organizing at the office and found some old Wilsonart solid-surface countertop samples that we don't use, so I gave them to the kids, and it's seems they've turned into a popular toy. Tilly took this picture of them. Does this count as doing my part for the environment? I recycled!

I'm almost done with setting up our business website. Well, to be accurate, Edward (my brother-in-law over in England) is almost done, since he's my creative genius who's putting it together for me. I just mapped out how I wanted it done, looked through a gajillion pictures of kitchens, and sent it all over to Edward so he could slave away for free for me putting it all together. Thanks a million, Edward! We couldn't have done it without you! I now feel pretty versed in woods, stains, door styles, customers, etc, all from looking at tons of kitchens. I guess Edward will feel the same way soon.

If you want to see how boring/hideous our current site is (pre-Edward), check it out before it changes over to the real thing.
A-1 website

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I wish I could be a cowboy

I found my camera! Hyrum, being the good husband, returned my camera to my diaper bag after borrowing it the other day, but forgot to tell me and then forgot whether or not he had actually put it there. I checked my bag, but it wasn't in it's usual compartment, so I dug through the bottomless pit it seems to become (am I the only one who's diaper bag/purse becomes a black hole for things to disappear in?) and I ended up finding it! Hurray! Now I'm sad I missed all the pictures I could have taken if I'd only searched my bag closer.

So it seems Hyatt's becoming quite the cowboy. He's more interested in horses than Talea now, I think, which is funny because Hyatt used to be too afraid to touch horses, let alone ride them. Now, he's all about all things "horsey" and likes to wear his "cowboy shirt"

and calls Hyrum's striped shirt a cowboy shirt,

and insists Talea wear her cowgirl shirt with him.

Remember how I mentioned that I made a very "homemade", lame-o leaf wreath for the office and Hyrum thought it looked like socks hanging in the window? Well, I took it down and threw it outside to decompose, but even after the leaves blew off and decayed, the stick that I taped in a circle was still lying around. A few days ago, Hyatt found it, and what do you think he saw in it? A lasso! He's been roping everyone and everything ever since, calling himself a "roping guy". He even twirls his wrist and everything! We know what to get him for Christmas now! Hyrum ordered him a little roping dummy online that goes on a tabletop, and then we'll stick Hyrum's dummy steer head on a bale of hay and let Hyatt have at it with a real lasso. Hyrum used to always ask Tilly if she was going to be his roping partner (if you weren't aware of it, Hyrum used to be quite the roper when I met him), but now it looks like it will be a father and son team rather than a daddy/daughter team. I can't wait! We're going to have to get our kids a horse one of these days.

It's been a while since I took video on my camera, and of course, I forgot and turned it sideways to record, so you have to turn your head to view it. Sorry! I just know that Nana and some aunts would appreciate the video anyway, even if it is sideways. I love how at the end of the video, Hyatt says "I wish I could be a cowboy."

I took that video at the office in their playroom, and you can see Tilly is absorbed in her preschool games and isn't interested in being roped.

Tonight the kids picked the Black Stallion to watch. It's all about the horses now!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

First tooth

I have 3 months left in this pregnancy. It's easy to remember because yesterday, Kiersa had a "month" birthday. She turned 9 months old. To celebrate the big day, she broke her first tooth through her gums. It's her bottom front tooth...the left one. The timing is surprising to me because Talea and Hyatt were both 10 months before their first tooth broke through. Kiersa's a whole month earlier, and it's a bit sad because that means I have to start watching out for another baby's teeth. Three mouths to brush now! Hmmm. Tilly can brush her own, but after just spending a few grand at the dentist for our family's dental needs, I'm going to keep brushing hers until I'm confident that she's doing an excellent job. I'd take a picture of it, but my camera is hiding somewhere at work since Hyrum downloaded some kitchen pictures there. I'll have to take one later, if she'll keep her tongue out of the way!

Friday, November 14, 2008

New Poll

We're still having name issues for our little girl, so would you take the 5 seconds it requires to read and vote on my poll to the right?

We originally thought we'd go with Paisley, but we're toying with using it for a middle name now. The votes are in on Paisley (when it was our only choice). Out of 29 votes, 20 (68%) loved it, 6 (20%) thought it was okay, and 3 (10%) hated it. So I guess we're safe with Paisley, even if we move it to the middle name (no stealing it for your pets, David and Meghan!).

Here's why we have a name dilemma:

Our other two girls are Talea and Kiersa...both end in "a". So should we go with Layla, since we like that name, it sounds good with Paisley, and it ends in "a"?

Talea's nickname is Tilly and Kiersa's middle name is Milly. So should we go with the pattern and just name her Lilly? The only thing is that it's a bit strange with Paisley since they both end with the "ly" sound. We thought with Layla we could always nickname her "Lilly" like we call Talea "Tilly". Also, Lilly is a bit too common for my tastes, though I love the rhyme.

Liza (pronounced LIE-za, NOT Lisa) is old-fashioned and cute like Tilly and Milly, and could even be nicknamed with Lilly if we wanted, and it ends in "a". It also goes good with Paisley. For fear of mispronunciation, which my other girls always get, should it be spelled Lyza or Lieza instead?

Or should we just say heck with keeping a pattern going (ha ha, Paisley IS a pattern) and call her Paisley since that's just so cute (although I do think we could get away with Lilly for a nickname on that one), and find a different middle name, or use one of the above for the middle name?

So, what's your verdict? I'm very curious. The poll on Paisley was very helpful!! Leave a comment if you'd like to explain your decision. I really value everyone's opinion, because though I like unusual names, I want a name that the majority of people like so that the majority of people my daughter meets in her life think she has a nice name. Thanks for your help!

By the way, I won't get mad if you don't like any of the names. Give me your honest opinion and other suggestions if you have any. I have 2 sisters who LOVE Paisley, and one who hates it and said she'd pay for this baby's college education if I would NOT name her Paisley. I still love that sister the same. :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Time to ramble usual

We took the missionaries to dinner tonight, since there's nowhere for them to eat in our apartment (only the kids fit at the counter), and while we were eating, they were telling us about a family that's new in our ward. The husband has been an inactive member, and his wife just got baptized. The missionaries said they brought this family to church a while back when Hyrum gave a talk in church, and when they met with that family the next day, they said Hyrum's talk really affected them and his talk was a turning point in their life, and after that they started coming to church and the wife got baptized. I'm not trying to brag, and Hyrum will probably be embarrassed that I'm even mentioning this (actually, it's literally almost impossible to embarrass Hyrum), but I just thought it was a nice thing to mention in my journaling to read in years to come, because even though he dreaded his talk and wasn't looking forward to preparing for it and wished he could get out of it, he really gave a nice talk, it was worth giving, and someone's life was changed for the better by it. The subject he was given was consequences, especially in relation to temple marriage.

While thinking about that subject, I just have to mention how grateful I am that I'm sealed to Hyrum for eternity. I knew that I would never marry anyone out of the temple and I knew I wanted to know a guy at least a year before I married him. Hyrum wanted a temple marriage too. So we dated for a long time, respectively. We met on April 25, 1999, and got married Dec 30, 2000. I'll never have any regret that we chose to date longer and still get married in the temple. Hyrum has been the best thing to happen to me in my life and I can't imagine being parted from him after this earth life is over. He was so understanding of my need for more time while we were dating, and though he wasn't always patient, he didn't give up on me.

Our courtship was turbulent and filled with stressful times, and we weren't always the nicest people in the world to each other (I was, after all, waiting for a missionary to return while I dated Hyrum, which was understandably hard on both of us), but one thing that was consistent was that no matter how many times we broke up and for whatever reason (usually my unwillingness to ditch the missionary completely), we never could go more than a few days without talking to one another, and since we were best friends, we instantly ended up a couple again. After our final break up where I moved to Oregon and he moved to Wyoming, my missionary returned a changed man (for the worse) and I was easily able to push the remains of him out of my heart only to realize that I'd let the man I was definitely supposed to marry slip through my fingers. I thought Hyrum would never take me back now that I was able to clearly see that I was always meant to be with him. I did the forbidden and called him, only to have him answer coldly and abruptly, but by the end of our phone call, we knew we were going to get married for sure, and it was only a matter of him proposing. It's obvious what happened after that, but I'm proud of Hyrum for having the strength to stick with such a fickle girl for so long and not settle for less than taking me to the temple. Now, nearly 8 years later, we have 3 great kids with another arriving in 3 months, and an eternity to enjoy each other's company.
(This is Hyrum and I just under 2 months before I got pregnant with Talea.)

Speaking of kids, Kiersa started talking all of a sudden! Yes, it's baby babble, but I swear she's saying things on purpose. I never count that my kids are walking, talking, potty trained, etc unless they're meaning to do that thing and are doing it consistently, but I swear that Kiersa is meaning what she's saying. My other kids never did this so early. Yesterday, Hyrum was holding her and when she'd look at him, he'd say "hi" and she'd repeat it. She did it over and over. She says Mama when looking at me, and Dada when looking at Hyrum and Baba to her bottle, so I'll assume she means it by now. She also made the "muah" sound several times with Hyrum when he kissed her. She did all this repeatedly, and I was kicking myself for having forgotten the camera at the office so I could get video of it (my video camera came back from England broken). Also, Kiersa was "couch surfing" at work yesterday. Well, she was holding onto the stools and walking from one to the next, so it was more like stool surfing, but that just sounds like a bad bowel movement, so I'll call it couch surfing still. I can't believe she's doing this because she just started crawling for heaven's sake! She wants to walk so bad and gets so excited watching the other kids run and play, so maybe even though she took forever to crawl, she just might walk as soon as the others did (9-10 months). We'll see.

My mom swears Kiersa looks just like I did at her age, and after looking at my 6 month-old picture (which is the earliest picture taken of me), I have to say Kiersa looks the most like me of all my kids...

Though I was chubbier and was told I looked like the Michelin man. I think this picture I found online more accurately describes my chub. I still have the fat roll scars on my arms and legs to prove it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Tiana's new phone number

Just an FYI for anyone out there who has my phone number. I'm shutting off my existing cell phone number and taking on a new one, so as of this week, my number won't work anymore. My new number is the same as Hyrum's, only mine ends in 2 (Hyrum's ends in 1). If you need it, let me know and I'll email it to you.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Opposites attract

I can't stress to you how different Talea is from Hyatt. I'm very curious to see what Kiersa will be like.

Tilly (5.5 lbs), Hyatt (6.75 lbs) and Kiersa (7.5 lbs) 3-6 days after birth. Look at how the thighs and arms gradually get fatter with each baby (I had to do some censoring).

Tilly, Hyatt and Kiersa all hated their first bath at home.

Tilly was born 2 weeks early and very small, but super healthy. Hyatt was 1 week early, but not so healthy with his crying and breathing. Kiersa was 2 days early and was fine except for needing antibiotics the whole hospital stay since I didn't get my full 2 rounds of antibiotics (for group B strep) in during her rapid labor.

I won't pretend to be one of the girls you want to smack because she looks so great in labor and after birth. I'll show you just what my kids did to me.

Toxemia (pregnancy induced hypertension) made me swell like a ballon with Talea,

And her labor was definitely my hardest and most traumatic with an awful recovery.

With Hyatt, on the other hand, I was at my lightest delivery weight, and his birth was so easy in comparison to Talea's,

That I even managed to smile afterward.

I took a bath (when I was dilated to a 5) and dried my hair before going in to the hospital with Kiersa since laboring with her wasn't all that rough.

And her delivery was a breeze!!

So even from the beginning, Talea and Hyatt were pretty much opposites in how they came into this world and what they did to me in the process. They still are so different!

Talea is all boldness and courage and until recently, was all tomboy.
Hyatt on the other hand, is shy and reserved, and until recently, was into girly things since that's what Talea played with.

Talea has always LOVED to be tossed around like an acrobat in Hyrum's arms (much to the horror of bystanders).
Hyatt has always been afraid of being tossed around by Hyrum until recently, and he was even terrified of being pushed in swings until a few months ago.

Talea loves scary rides, like rollercoasters.
Hyatt cries on scary rides. He's actually such a chicken about scary stuff that he gets scared if someone so much as says "Rrraaarrrr!" to his face. Even when Tilly says it 20 times in a row...he'll still be genuinely frightened, squeal and run for safety each time.
(click on this picture and their faces will tell you everything)

Talea loves creepy crawlies, even when they bite, pinch, spit and scratch.
Hyatt loves to watch Talea with her creepy crawlies, but has no desire to play with them and was seriously traumatized when an earwig pinched him.

Talea was never afraid to go to nursery alone at church or stay with babysitters.
Hyatt cried for the first year if we left him in nursery, then he got brave for a few months, and since returning from England and finding a new teacher and room, he's afraid again. He hates to be left with sitters too.

Talea loves getting scared and loves scary costumes.
Hyatt freaks out in the Halloween aisle and covers his eyes when things seem like they have a hint of scariness.

Talea loves scary movies and requests Jaws, Gremlins, Tremors, Labryinth, etc on a regular basis.
Hyatt will watch scary movies, but watches through his fingers.

Talea had no interest in learning preschoolish things until recently, and would never say what Dora or Diego told her to say. She had no interest in TV until she was over 2-years-old.
Hyatt liked TV from an early age, and will always say what Dora and Diego tell him to say. He soaks up the stuff Tilly's learning and would rather do preschool stuff than play with creepy crawlies.

Talea loves veggies and will eat those before anything else on her plate.
Hyatt does NOT like veggies, except for broccoli, and usually has to have them disguised or something to force them down.

Talea can't tolerate spiciness, including pepper.
Hyatt doesn't mind spice and will even eat salsa at restaurants.

Talea hates getting washed in the tub or shower, and really doesn't like swimming.
Hyatt doesn't mind washing, and LOVES swimming.

Talea has never had any fear of animals, so we've had to teach her caution and appropriate technique when approaching unfamiliar animals.
Hyatt is naturally scared of most things, so he doesn't like any unfamiliar animals and always has to be coaxed to pet anything.

Yet with all their differences, they are the best of friends and can hardly stand being apart.

So far, Kiersa is following in Talea's footsteps with a hint of Hyatt. She looks so much like Talea did at her age, only chubbier and with bigger eyes (Talea's got my little squinties).
Can you tell who is who?

The top and bottom are Talea at 8 months, and the middle is Kiersa at 8 months.

She loves to be at the same level as the kids when they play or watch TV. If they're on my bed watching a movie, Kiersa will stand at the foot and cry until we put her in her crib next to them so she can stand up at their level. She adores her big brother and sister.

Kiersa loves to be tossed around, like Talea did, but she's wary of animals that get too close, like Hyatt.

Kiersa finally starting crawling today for the majority of her transportation (instead of army crawling). It's so adorable to hear the little slap of her hands on the hard floors. I'm so excited that her tummy and arms will stay cleaner! I was beginning to think she'd walk before she'd crawl because she took so long to do it. She is just about ready to couch surf, and only JUST started crawling, at nearly 9 months old.

She says Mama and Baba all the time, and I still can't tell if she means either one of them yet. She's the first of my kids to start babbling with Mama instead of Dada. She's wrapping me around her finger!

It's interesting how different children can be physically and in personality even when they're from the same family. I ADORE being a mother and can't think of anything I'd rather be doing in my life than watching these little people interact and grow. My FAVORITE thing is to watch Talea and Hyatt playing imaginary things together and talking to each other, and now Kiersa attempts to join in. It literally brings "happy tears" to my eyes (as Tilly would say) to watch them. It makes all the constant messes, screaming, crying, fighting, tantrums, snotty noses, poopy diapers, peed in pants, late nights, early mornings, illnesses, embarrassing behavior in public, and talking back all worth it. Next to Hyrum, they are my greatest joys and I hope after college they don't ever move too far away, because my heart will ache unbearably for them. But...if they do, that's yet another reason for Hyrum and I to retire in a motorhome. We'll just go visit kid to kid!