Monday, June 9, 2008

Johnson pond

After the board of review was over, we decided to put Hyrum's birthday present (binoculars) to good use by going to Johnson pond to bird watch. We bought a bird book the other day, and during our little fowl hunt, we identified a white-capped sparrow, a great blue heron (non-breeding), a red-winged blackbird, and some farm geese. Not a big bird day, but we found other interesting animals on our hunt.

Here are the farm geese.

Talea had them eating out of her hand in no time...

...and out of her mouth.

Ammon arrived with his crew of Cluffs.

Can you spot the bullfrog?

There's a second bullfrog. They were calling to each other.

A turtle was sunning itself on a log.

But of all the wildlife we spotted that day, the puff-eye Dallas was the strangest of all. Stay away from poison oak!!!


John-Maren Goodman said...

Oooh that eye looks painful!~ What a wild child to have gotten himself into that nasty plant.

The Lanyons said...

Where is this pond?

Monica said...

That is strange, but it is Dallas after all, you never know what is going to happen next!