Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Back seat driver

Hyrum says Hyatt is a terrible back seat driver. When we go to Winston to pick up counter tops, Hyatt has a great view of the drop-off and river that follow the road on his side of the car. As we go around corners, Hyatt will look out the window, notice the danger below, and in a worried voice say, "BE CAREFUL!!!" Anytime he can see that the land beyond the road isn't flat, he'll throw out his cautions to Hyrum. Hyatt never cautions me. I guess I'm just a better driver!

When Hyrum punches the gas pedal to pass someone, or when we are out on a dirt back-road playing around, Hyatt will tell Hryum, "Go faster!" He loves the thrill of the increase in speed and the sound the truck makes during acceleration. I better watch out when he turns 15 and gets a permit!

You know how when you drink pop, and the first swallow burns pretty bad because of the carbonation (especially root beer for some reason)? Hyatt will take that sip, scrunch up his eyes and nose, and say "It's hot!" We taught him that it's bubbles that are stinging him, not heat, so now he says, "It's bubbly!" I can guarantee you that if you're around Hyatt when he takes that first sip, he will NOT forget to say "It's bubbly!" He does it every time.

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