Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Stinking blood tests!

It's funny, because I didn't think I was looking forward to this new baby THAT much, until I thought I might lose it on Monday. When I was out and about with appointments and errands, I started spotting a little, and when I noticed it, I was flooded with panic. It was then that I realized how important to me this baby has already become, even though it's going to be so close to Kiersa. I'd only known of it's existence for a day, but found that I was NOT okay with it just going away all of a sudden. I would definitely cry, not rejoice, if I had a miscarriage. Since I was in Coos Bay, and that's where my OB is, I dropped by his office to see if he could squeeze me in and check how things are. I didn't get to see the doctor, but I had a blood test done to see if I was in fact pregnant.

Now here's the weird part. My hormone "number" was 79.86, which is super super low if you're in fact pregnant. In order to see the baby on ultrasound, the number needs to be in the 2,000's. So am I even pregnant??? Did I really just tell everyone I was prego only to have to retract the announcement 2 days later? He asked if my periods are regular, and when I said "NEVER", he thought that maybe I was just not as far along as I should be from those pregnancy calculator things. I'm scheduled to do another blood test today, and if it's a "healthy, viable pregnancy", the number will double.

Feeling a little awkward about all this, I took another pee test to see what it would say. It instantly read positive, bright and unmistakable! Hmmm. So now I'm just waiting until 3:00 to get my blood drawn, and then it's a waiting game because I won't know my due date or conception date until I get an ultrasound. Stay tuned.


Our Pratt Pack said...

How weird... well GOOD LUCK ! I hope everything turns out ok!

John-Maren Goodman said...

Wow sister, what a roller coaster!~ Well I think that there is a baby, but we'll have to see right!! My fingers are crossed! If you need anyone to talk to, I'm here! Love you sister!!

Teresa Jolley said...

That kind of emotional abuse is not necessary. I'm sorry your going through all that. It'll turn out right for everyone. Love ya

The Lanyons said...

That's crazy. So what ended up happening in the end?

Tracy said...

So how did the second blood test come out? Don't keep us all in suspense, praying for you all.