Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My kids have blogs now

I've started individual blogs for my kids so I can capture all the cute things they say and do before I forget them. My sister, Daisha, has written down over the years all the funny things her kids say, and I think it's so cute to read all of them. If you ever want to check it out, you can access their blogs via this blog by clicking on their individual names under the heading "Leave it to our kids..." on the right hand column, towards the top.


Our Pratt Pack said...

Love the kids blogs what a great idea I know I've been trying to write things down too, when I get better at keeping up my own maybe I'll give it a shot

Anonymous said...

Tiana, what a cute idea! I loved reading about the cute things your kids say and do! I'd say I think I;ll give it a try, but being the big writer that I am, I'm sure it wouldn't last very long.

The Lanyons said...

Wow! This sister of yours, Daisha...was that her name?, has some really great ideas. You might even call her an ideas factory! You must be really grateful to be related to her! Grateful enough to, say, go visit her in England. I know I would.

Our Pratt Pack said...

Yes I am stretch mark free and our due date is Oct 26th... I hope I didn't just jinx myself with the stretch marks but this is the smallest I've been yet so I don't think I'll be as big as I was if any kid was going to give me them it would have been Boston!