Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hyatt's personal lake

After the airshow and camping, we did a little mountain lake exploration on our way down to Ashland to pick up Weston.

First we stopped at the "Great Meadow", which was more like a great marsh, with clean water. I guess the water hasn't receded this early in the season to make it a meadow yet. It was full of tadpoles, so we let the kids play with those, but we learned our lesson from the tadpoles last year and didn't take any home with us (we didn't have too many survivors last time). We were hoping to find some interesting birds, but only saw two kinds in the whole meadow! A mallard duck, of course, and some brown-headed cow birds, which interestingly enough lay their eggs in other nests and the babies hatch quickly and kick out their competition and a foster mother ends up raising it. Interesting, for such a plain-looking bird.

After we tormented too many tadpoles, we went on to Lake of the Woods (my favorite natural mountain lake) only to be horrified by the $6 parking price! Holy cow! What happened to the days when camping was $5 and parking was free! My Cluff instinct kicked in and we opted not to pay the price just to get out and look for crawdads like I did when I'd go camping with the McKays. Crawdads aren't THAT cool.

Next we decided to drive by a couple of lakes that I passed by the entrances of a million times growing up, but never actually visited. First Howard Prairie Lake, and then Hyatt lake. Yes, I thought it was pretty cool when I was naming Hyatt that it was also the name of a lake in my favorite state. That's not the reason for his name though.
A couple weeks ago we went to Johnson pond to do some bird watching, and now we were visiting Hyatt Lake. What's next? Kiersa Creek? Hyatt felt pretty proud when we told him this was HIS lake.

We loved the lake, but the ride in the truck down the Greensprings equaled carsickness for Hyatt. Poor guy threw up in a baggie (my kids get carsick, but luckily give me warning before they explode), and then suffered the pain of nausea until we got to my parents' house. I know these pictures are sad, and maybe look mean to have taken, but I wanted a record of his carsickness for him, and there really wasn't anything I could have done after holding his puke bag. Don't you feel so bad for him? I hate it when my kids are hurting! I feel so helpless!

Carsickness aside, this was a GREAT day and I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!! I have the best husband ever, and such great kids. Pregnant and all, I'm feeling pretty great right now.


The Lanyons said...

Oh, poor Hyatt. Cool that you got a picture of him by the Hyatt lake sign though because I'm starting a new page in Tuffcluff called "nametag" for pictures of signage with our names. When we were in the Isle of Wight I actually found a hotel called Daish's. And I have loads of Weston stuff from out here and Dennis stuff from Cape Cod etc.

Also, re: the cow bird thing!! When did your fam become such big ornithologists?! How cute.

Monica said...

It looks like you guys had great fun, I'm glad I got to see you while I was on trash patroll. It would have been fun camping with you guys, but we parked ourselves in the church parking lot, and had a blast with Scott and Wendy. Had Hopefully Hyatt will grow out of the car sickness, Monte used to have it, but the last couple of years have been much better.

Marcee said...

We went to Hyatt Lake this past Christmas Eve to play in the snow. It was so fun!! Poor little Hyatt. I ALWAYS get car sick, no matter where we travel.

The Beals said...

I love the way water looks as a backdrop for portraits. So uncluttered and reflective with the light. I love the dark water in the background. Great job.