Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A hostage situation

We're being held hostage by a skunk!! We're prisoners in our own house, or apartment I guess. We haven't caught any more raccons since Vicious, but we did catch a skunk last night, and unfortunately, the cage is right outside our front door. I opened the door to go on a jog this morning, and I saw a skunk in the cage in a very aggitated state because my cat was out there waiting to be fed. I coaxed the cat inside, then shut the door, and for the last hour we've been stuck in here waiting for Kyle, Hyrum's employee, to bring us some bullets. We have our gun upstairs, but the shells are downstairs, so Kyle can get them when he gets here and toss them up to us through a window. The tricky thing is, you have to shoot it in the head or else it will spray. This one is really small, and the holes in the cage are small, so we'll see how good of a shot Hyrum is. I told him that if he gets sprayed, he has to go downstairs and hose off instead of seeking shelter in the house. I'll let you know how it turns out.

1 comment:

The Lanyons said...

Very funny. It's the natural world getting its revenge!