Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The aftermath

Well, Hyrum was successful in shooting the skunk in the head, but it still managed to let out it's stink when it died. We had to evacuate the house and toss the cage over the railing to the alley. Hyrum finally dumped the skunk out into the trailer of dirt and buried it under more dirt (we're taking our dirt piles over to an empty lot the city wants filled), and now the city will have a fun surprise when they level the dirt. Sorry!

Now the problems is, we have all the windows and fans on in the apartment, but even 3 1/2 hours later, it's still pretty stinky. We only had the door open for about 5 seconds after shooting it, but that was enough to fumigate the house. People walking by on the sidewalk could smell it and they'd comment about it, and even in the big house it stinks. Weston's work shoes were outside when Hy shot the skunk, so they stink and he's had to work under the house barefoot all day, not that that's so unusual for the twins.

My brother-in-law, Edward, has never smelled a skunk in his life because they don't have skunks in England, so I've been trying to figure out a way to capture some of the vile stink so he can smell it when he comes out here in August. Fresh skunk stink smells like the stuff you pass by on the road, but only 100 times more powerful, and with a nasty cut onions smell mixed in. Good thing no one has plans to visit us any time soon! We're pretty raunchy right now. Hyrum went to a job site to check on his installers, but he was kicked out because he stunk so bad. He then went to his office, but he was kicked out of there too because his funk was unbearable. So now he's back at home where the rest of us don't notice it because we stink as bad as him.

This experience has meant the death of the cage entertainment. It's always been fun to wake up and see what new thing is in the cage, but no more. We don't want to risk catching another skunk, and since this area of town was once dubbed "skunk hollow" because of all the skunks, our odds of another encounter are high. We'll just let whatever wants to get into our cat food have at it.


Angi and Jared Cowley said...


The Lanyons said...

This cracks me up - it's my favorite of all your blogs so far (well, maybe tied with the one about the damage Dallas incurs!). It's a great story that you can tell for years to come - the Great Skunk Stand Off of 2008!

The Lanyons said...

Poor skunk, though. Are they pests or are they harmless?

Amanda said...

A skunk got into my parents room in LOP. They tried to gently shoo it away, but to no avail. The smell was SO SO SO awful. My parents had to remove the drywall, insulation, and part of the carpet. Not to mention throw away some of their furniture. Truly a smell you don't ever forget!

I hope you don't have morning sickness, that smell would set my gag reflex off for sure!

Monica said...

You neede Mitchell Skillman, the great skunk charmer. He can carry one away in a cage without getting sprayed. It's weird.