Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Strike 3

This morning I awoke to the adorable pitter-patter of little feet...

running to the bathroom!

"Oh good! Look at how great Hyatt is at running to the bathroom first thing when he needs to go" was my thought.

I got up to go check on him, but I was surprised to find Talea sitting on the stool by the toilet...

throwing up into the commode. Poor little thing was shaking and her legs were bouncing wildly as she hunched over the seat. I held her head and hair as she finished, then when it was all over, she pondered quizzically, "My vomit is brown. What did I eat that was brown?"

I had to laugh. Tilly, of all people, would ask that. She's so enthralled with how and why everything is the way it is. Just last night she was having me show her on Youtube how kangaroos give birth (which if you've never seen the process, is actually quite fascinating), which led to dolphins and giraffes and cows. This morning, while she was resting with a sippy of ginger ale, she had me google what spider and bee and dragonfly eyes look like so she could see them up close.

I was amazed that she had the foresight to know she was going to throw up and to think to run to the toilet. Most kids her age would just lay there and let'er rip on the bed or the floor (which Hyatt did Saturday night). I guess that all the car sickness she's endured in her life has prepared her for moments like this. She knows what it feels like to be on the verge of explosion.

On a side note, please slap me if I ever tell you I'm going to install carpet in my house.

What is up with the health of my kids?!! I'm seriously baffled as to what's happening and what's causing it all. Is it just a viral infection that's passing Hyrum and I?

To add salt to the wound, I discovered the pipes were frozen this morning and we couldn't flush the toilet or use any faucets. Great!!! Luckily, I had just filled two apple juice containers with water for storage and they were still on the counter, so I rinsed Tilly's mouth with that. So much for showers or anything today. Hyrum is on his own at work today, unshowered.

The saddest thing for Tilly is that today she was supposed to do her preschool thing (which she's been absent from for the past 2 weeks because of vacation and illness in the family) at the library because Santa was going to visit. Then tonight is her first horseback riding lesson. Maybe Hyatt will be taking her place.

I think he secretly cursed her so he could be the one to ride.


The Lanyons said...

I can't believe she got herself to the toilet without alerting you to the problem! She's so grown up. I guess both sides of the Atlantic are stricken with illness because EVERYONE seems to have it out here too. It's so bad that when I called the Dr to take Dakota in on Monday they said they were taking serious emergencies ONLY because they were so overbooked! And everyone at Tabby's school has had one thing or another in the past three weeks. I keep saying "at least it'll all be over for Christmas" but we still have stuff and have had since Thanksgiving!

John-Maren Goodman said...

Man I can't believe they're sick...again! Your poor babies!! :(

Marcee said...

Poor little kiddos... :( We did this a couple years ago... when we were living at my parents house... with no bathroom... I was on the couch with two kids and holding two bowls. Not fun!