Tuesday, December 30, 2008

8 years??!!!

It's our 8th wedding anniversary today. I can't believe it! I guess it feels like I've known Hyrum forever, but it just seems crazy that it's been 8 years since we FINALLY got married.

Since it's our anniversary, I wanted to post a bunch of pictures and write the story of how we met, but...I've been at work all day with Hyrum and then the kids had horseback riding lessons, and now it's dinner time and we're going to snuggle and watch a movie, so I don't have time to post all the stuff for a sappy anniversary post like I'd planned. Maybe another day.

So, just for tonight, I want the world to know how much I love Hyrum and how I'm so grateful for him and that he waited for me to make up my mind about "us". My life would feel meaningless without him, and he's got to be the most supportive and loving father I've ever met. I have yet to meet a man who is more involved in the raising, feeding, bathing, changing, playing, teaching, and caring of his children. He goes to the doctor appointments with me, he voluntarily dresses them or gets up in the night for them, and he takes care of them at work when he sees I could use the help. I've NEVER had to worry about him not wanting to help with the kids. He's probably changed just as many of their diapers as I have and has gotten up in the night to help with crying kids more than I have in the last year. I can't even dream up a better husband than Hyrum is to me.

I love love love you, Hyrum. I always have (well, since shortly after meeting you) and I always will.


Anonymous said...

Conrats on #8. Sounds like your a pretty lucky girl but he's even luckier to have you!!

Marcee said...

Congradulations on the past eight years... and here is to hundreds more just the same!! We are coming up on 10 years!! Oh my word!! I guess times does go by when you are having fun...

Nial and Elle said...

Oh! You're adorable! Congratulations!!!!!

The Lanyons said...

Happy 8th anniversary! Hyrum is a dang good dad.

Smart said...

Happy Happy Anniversary!!!!!