Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I know I'm not in Utah when...

...I walk down the street and a man walking into the fire station says "When are you due?" And after I tell him he says "Is this your first?" When I tell him it's my 4th, he looks very shocked and says "Wow! You've been busy!"

...the electrical lineman comes over to our house and after seeing Tilly and Hyatt running around the yard, Kiersa in my arms, and my big, round belly, he asks Hyrum, "Are ALL of these yours?" A surprised expression and a "Wow!" follows the response.

...people say things like "You know what causes that, don't you?" and "You guys need a hobby!" and "You two spend too much time together."

...when people quickly count up my kids and belly and turn to their spouse and whisper, then turn and smile mischievously at us.

But how can we help having the kids we do when it's so dang fun to have them around!? Even playing piggy back is a blast!


John-Maren Goodman said...

Even in Utah people are starting to be that way! But I hope we are just the same, because My family is everything to me! Love you guys!

Angi and Jared Cowley said...

My sister Jen had the best advice, when someone says "Gee, you sure have your hands full" you respond with "You should see my heart!"