Thursday, December 4, 2008


And this, ladies and gentleman, is one of the reasons why I don't put carpet in my houses.

I heard Kiersa crying and almost gagging in her crib, so I ran in and grabbed her out just in time for her to launch the contents of her stomach all over the floor. The great part about it was that it took a whole 10 seconds to clean up since it wasn't on carpet. I love hard floors! (Except they're cold.)

I'm a pro with puke by now. Talea had serious carsickness for about a year, and anywhere we go around here requires driving on winding roads. Just when Talea stopped getting car sick regularly, Hyatt started getting car sick. I've gotten to where the faintest whine of the words "I'm gonna vomit!" can snap me out of a dead sleep. I keep Ziploc bags in the car just for these occasions. I've got the reflexes of a cat now!

We went to Utah for Thanksgiving, and on the drive out, we stopped at McDonald's in Winnemucca to let the kids get their wiggles out in the playplace, and Hyatt ended up throwing up there. Luckily I ran him to the garbage just in the nick of time. On our way home, he drank a bunch of orange juice and then launched it like a projectile missile a few minutes later. I was driving, so Hyrum got to deal with that one. Luckily is was just juice, so easy clean up. Then, when we got the kids out of their seats in Lakeview, he threw up again! I'm telling you, blood makes me freak out, but vomit, no way baby!!! Poor little guy. I hate to see his skinny little body all tensed up and in agony.

1 comment:

The Lanyons said...

I always have to brace myself before I read your blogs because you never know what's coming! There just aren't many people out there that would take a picture of vom!!!