Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Yee Haw!

Horseback riding lessons were tonight again, and since the kids are back to normal health (no more fevers, vomiting, diarrhea or diaper rashes, hooray!), we all went. Tilly had her first lesson, and she did very well, I thought. She guided the horse through the poles like a pro (poles as in the pole-bending event that girls do in rodeo).

We asked Hyatt if he was excited to be a cowboy again today, and he said he couldn't be a cowboy because "I don't have a cowboy hat...sorry". (Little does he know, Santa is bringing him one.) I have a feeling he'll have that hat glued to his head day and night, once he gets it.

Kiersa adored the horse, so she'll be next for lessons, as soon as she can sit on the horse and not fall off.

Hyrum found a saddle and horse-dummy to rope off of, so he spent a good chunk of time roping Hyatt and me. Hyatt was dying for a turn to rope, so Hyrum showed him how, but I was enjoying watching him so much I forgot to get any pictures of Hyatt.

It costs us $20 for an hour lesson (Tilly and Hyatt get a half hour each), which I found out is a smoking deal. Some ranch place around here gives lessons for $150/hour, and Hyrum said that's more what he expected to pay, which is why he jumped on the $20 lessons.

It's really fun for me to see my kids on a horse. I've always wanted my kids to grow up on horses, and I always wanted to marry a guy who was a bit of a cowboy, which is exactly what Hyrum was...which is one of the things that attracted me to him and away from my missionary I was waiting for. MAN! I LOVE Hyrum!


The Lanyons said...

How fun! I wish my kids could learn to ride a horse - and me too, for that matter, because even though I've tried it lots of times, I never feel confident. I'll have to look into it but I'm a bit worried about the English saddles - I need that horn thing to hang on to!

The Not-a-hoes said...

even tho i have been around horses my entire life, every time i see them now i think of hyatt!

John-Maren Goodman said...

True Little Hyrums through and through!!! LOVE IT!~