Friday, December 5, 2008

Ha Ha! Squeeked by again!

I took my three hour glucose test today. I took Kiersa with me and Hyrum took the other kids to work with him. I got to the doctor at about 9:30 am and finished just before 1 pm. I hadn't eaten anything since dinner the night before since this is a fasting test, so I was ravenous when it was done. I had a pee test and four blood draws. I look like a druggie with a needle habit: three holes in one arm, and 2 in the other (one was from yesterday). BUT!!!! I passed!!! Yahoo!

I took Kiersa because she's been sick for the last couple of days and I knew Hyrum had to do payroll and bills today, so I didn't want to leave him with a vomiting, diarrhea-plagued baby. I got to mess with it instead. Yeah! I swear Kiersa's going through 20 diapers a day right now and has the meanest looking diaper rash. It burns her instantly, so even if she just has a wet fart, we have to get it off her instantly.

Yesterday, we went to Chinese for dinner after work and my first doctor appointment since Hyrum redid the electrical in our apartment earlier this week and wasn't able to hook up the wiring on my stove yet, and after being there for about 10 minutes, Kiersa started freaking out. Nothing would console her. Not a bottle, not laying down, not food...NOTHING! If you know Kiersa, you know she's a SUPER good baby. She rarely cries and she's always smiling. We couldn't figure it out. We got some boxes when our food came, Hyrum took Kiersa out so we would stop bothering people, and we left. When we got home, we found that her minor diaper rash had blossomed into a full blown, full coverage, tomato red rash. I felt horrible. She'd been writhing in pain the whole time. No wonder! That was the start of a diarrhea nightmare and 2 vomits in one evening. I decided to spare any posterity of pictures of this nastiness. Once was enough.

So anyway, today, during my looooong wait at the doctor's office, she threw up once and pooped three times, shooting up the back once. Oh the joys of motherhood!! And changing her is no easy task. Since she's so horribly rashed, it's too painful to wipe with baby wipes. She gets stiff as a board and won't bend, and she screams the entire time. I have to rinse her in a sink and pat her dry, then SLATHER on the ointment, oh so gently. She went through 2 onesies and 2 jackets during our stay. I fell asleep for 15 minutes in a chair while Kiersa napped, perched atop my belly. I was never more grateful to leave a doctor's office in my life.

I figured out why everyone thinks Kiersa is a boy. The world must be colorblind to the color pink! I had her in brown velour sweats with pink stripes down the side, then after the puke I changed her top into a pale blue top with a pink heart and pink stripes on the ribbing. The pink suddenly became invisible and everyone thought she was a boy. Oh well. I'm waaay past caring now. I just thought it was funny that the other colors were visible to people, but not the pink. Hmm. Is velour a masculine fabric??? Not to me.
Here's what the blue jacket looks like.

1 comment:

Cindi said...

Poor baby, and poor Mommy! I hope the rash and sickness gets better quickly! I just don't get how people think Kiersa's a boy. She's too pretty to be a boy. Way to go passing your test! :D