Saturday, December 27, 2008

He loves me...he loves me not

I overheard this conversation while I was blogging tonight.

Hyrum: Hyatt, do you love me?

Hyatt: Yeah, but I don't love your stink.


Okay, so Hyrum can be gassy, especially if he has dairy (since he's lactose intolerant). Tonight has been one of those nights, and I think Hyatt felt it was an appropriate time to share his feelings about it. Amen, Hyatt!!! I feel your pain!!!

Speaking of lactose intolerant, Hyrum, Hyatt and now Kiersa are all lactose intolerant. You know how Kiersa had that awful diarrhea and diaper rash forever? Well, after our return visit to the doctor, she had us put Kiersa on soy formula since she had been throwing up after her bottles. She said sometimes during a viral infection, you can become temporarily lactose intolerant. The day we started Kiersa on soy, her stools hardened and the diaper rash went away. She's had good diapers for a week or so now, and we ran out of the soy formula. We switched her back to her regular formula now that she's healthy, but after being on it for a day, her stools softened again and the diaper rash began to return.

Kiersa has a specific pain signal. It's not a cry. It's a sound, like a squeaking inhale. We've discovered it means she pooped and it hurts. We haven't heard it since her diaper rash cleared up, but since it started coming back today, she started the noise again, and I caught it on video. When she did it, it triggered her Millie Cow book to start mooing!

So it looks like we'll become a family of soy or rice milk drinkers. I actually really like rice milk in cereal, but Hyrum is having a struggle with it. Hyatt has no problem with it since he's been on it for quite a while, but then again, Hyrum and Talea are by far my pickiest eaters, so I'm not surprised Hyatt's okay with it.


Marcee said...

That is really funny.... poor things, all not being able to drink milk! That soy stuff is pretty good though, even the chocolate. Ean had to use it for a while.

I just had to say as I was sitting here reading the next post, Jeremy was sitting beside me and saw the picture of Kiersa and said what a pretty baby girl! Just thought you would like to know, not everyone thinks she looks like a boy. Jeremy is only 6 and he can tell...

The Lanyons said...

That hard, but at least you know what's going on and you can do something about it! At least the US is good about having lots of those kinds of alternative products. Is there soy ice cream and stuff too?

Smart said...

Poor little things!

I came back from Asia and after not having any milk or dairy for 2 months (they don't drink it there...) I was totally lactose intolerant! I've been able to build back some tolerance to cheese, but yogurt and milk and ice cream forget it! But I buy the generic "dairy digestive aid" caplets at Walmart and I think they're safe for kids too. Take one caplet before your first bite of dairy and it's all good! Good Luck! Lactose free milk is better than soy too and cheaper than Lactaid.