Saturday, December 27, 2008


This year, we had visitors for Christmas. My parents and little brothers (well, they tower over me, but are only almost 17) all came up to our house on Christmas Eve to spend the holiday with us.

Before they arrived, I spent the day cleaning the house, mopping floors (oh how I hate doing that), and getting everything ready. I stayed pretty scummed all day, but hey, it's my family and only my mom would mind (she loves makeup and big hair).

On Christmas Eve, the kids put on their Grammie Jammies and we each opened one present. We chose to open the gifts Grandma Sheri sent us.

Tilly's greatest wish right now is to fly, like a butterfly, fairy or dragonfly. So Grandma Sheri sent her a fairy book that came with fairy wings, and boy was Tilly thrilled!

Hyatt loves Winnie the Pooh and gets Pooh obsessed from time to time, so Grandma Sheri sent him a Winnie the Pooh book, and he loved it!

Kiersa got bath toys and she loved chewing on them!

Hyrum got a magazine subscription to Outdoor Life, and I'm not sure who enjoyed it more, Hyrum or Hyatt.

I got my CHOICE of magazine subscriptions, and I'm really at a loss as to which one to choose!!! I'm thinking I'll get Real Simple, since I love anything to do with organizing and making my life easier.

I'm sure you're wondering, "How did they fit 9 people in a 400 sq ft apartment? Where did everyone sleep when there are only 2 beds and a crib? Where was the Christmas tree? Here's how we arranged everything:

First, we had a tiny fake tree that we normally use at the shop, but we brought it home to have something for the presents to sit by.

Now as far as sleeping arrangements, my mom refuses to sleep in a house since she says that she's only alive today because she's been sleeping outside every night for the past few years, so she opted to sleep in her car instead of our camping trailer with my brothers.

Apparently, she "loves" sleeping in a car. More power to you mom!

My dad slept in the living room in the kids' twin bed since he wouldn't accept putting us out of ours, and the kids slept on our floor. Oh, Kiersa was in her crib in the living room with my dad.

On Christmas morning, Hyatt woke up at around 1:30 needing to pee. Hyrum took him to the bathroom, but purposely didn't cover his eyes so he'd see that Santa came. When he came back to our bed, Hyatt sudddenly said, "I saw a jumping horse!" Hyrum quizzed him about it to see if he could get him dreaming about it all night, but Hyatt was already asleep again.

Later, closer to 7 am, Talea suddenly yelled, "Mom! Dad! Wake up!!!" We were already awake, so we expected her to continue with something about how it was Christmas and it was time to open presents, but she was silent. She then said something about how she thought she must have fallen out of bed since she didn't know where she was, but then she remembered why she was on our floor and tried to go back to sleep. Hyrum was too anxious to see them open their presents, so he made the kids get up and when they walked into the living room, it was worth the early rising (they don't normally get up until after 8 am at least).

Tilly was thrilled about every gift that she opened and acted like each one was the coolest thing in the world. She got her Mr. Fuzzy and some other toys she'd really wanted.

Kiersa had fun playing with her toys, but being only 10 months, she wasn't that exciting to watch with presents.

The highlight of Christmas was watching Hyatt become a Cowboy. He's been wishing he could be a Cowboy for a long time, but refused to believe he could be one until he had a hat and a rope. Oh, Santa did better than that! Santa got him Wrangler jeans, a cowboy shirt, spurs, a rope, a hat, a horse, and a roping dummy. He was ecstatic!!! He immediately stripped off his batman jammies and got decked out and jumped on his horse, spuring it to great speeds.

The kids originally called the horse "the Braxton horse" since their cousin Braxton had one that they rode at Thanksgiving, but now Hyatt has named it Spirit, since it looks like Spirit, from the movie.

We had a great few days just sitting around eating Christmas leftovers and pie, watching TV...oh and mom, dad and Weston even made it over to the coast to see the lights at Shore Acres. We really enjoyed having family with us! The boys really stepped up and helped Hyrum with construction on the top floor of the house. They opened up the stairwell and built the bathroom wall, and it all looks like it's coming together!

On the left is the stairwell, on the right is the hallway leading to the master bedroom.

Here's looking past the hallway into the kids' bathroom.

This is from standing in front of the master bedroom looking back toward the hall and stairs. I love how open it feels now!!!

My family left today, and we'll miss them until we see them again.


The Lanyons said...

Ahhhh. I wish they'd come visit us for Christmas!

Nial and Elle said...

Sounds awesome! I love Real Simple! I have a couple of their issues...