Friday, December 5, 2008


When I found out I was pregnant with Talea, suddenly, one after the other, all my sisters turned up pregnant too. I thought it was so neat when all 5 of the girls in my family had a baby within a year and a few months of each other. Melanie had Joseph in Feb '04, I had Talea in May '04, Tasha had Dru in July '04, Daisha had Tabitha in March '05, and Shira had Sophia in May '05 (a year and a day behind Talea). It's so fun that they're so close in age, but they're all spread throughout the US and UK, so they rarely see each other. Talea sees Sophia pretty often, so they're the best of friends, and they're the age gap that Kiersa and my next will be, so I hope they're as good of friends as Talea and Sophia.

What's almost as cool is that when I found out I was pregnant with this current pregnancy, suddenly my sister-in-laws were turning up pregnant too! 3 of them! What's really cool is that they're all due within 6 weeks of me. Our babies will be so close in age! Yet so far apart in distance, just like my own family. Maren had her two babies wedged in between my kids, so her babies are really close to Hyatt and Kiersa in age. Man, I wish my kids could grow up closer to cousins! I loved being raised close to my same town.

I'm due Feb 23.
Next, Tana is due March 5 (10 days after me).
Meghan is due March 16 (3 weeks after me).
And last, Teresa is due April 9 (6 weeks after me).

When I stand next to Tana, I always feel so short! All my Smith sisters are so tall!

This is Tana's 1st baby.

Tana, my Smith mom (Sheri), and me.

Hyrum's working on his sympathy belly (he IS pushing out, by the way).

Here are the Johnson pregos in due date order: me, Olga (not a sister-in-law, but a friend of the family who's due only days after me), Meghan, and Teresa.

This is my 4th baby, Olga's 1st, Meghan's 1st, and Teresa's 4th/5th, depending on if you count Dakota.

You can imagine, with all the pregnant ladies in the room, how much food was downed on Thanksgiving. I think I beat them all though!!


The Lanyons said...

I love the last "conga" picture. It looks as though you're all about to break out into the can can!

The Not-a-hoes said...

ah yay im glad i get to see some of the pics from that day! i was so grouchy i didnt do anything i planned on doing that day :(
i guess its just all the more reason to plan a trip out there so we can actually talk and catch up since we didnt really.