1. Where did you meet your husband? In a parking lot between a gas station and the Pear Tree restaurant in Phoenix, OR. He was a trucker and I was giving him a ride to the singles ward since he was passing through our area.
2. How long did you date? 17 months, followed by a 3 month engagement.
3. How long have you been married? 8 years on Dec. 30.
4. What does he do that surprises you? Nothing. We can't keep secrets from each other.
5. What is your favorite feature of his? His broad shoulders and powerful upper body (see the picture above). I LOVE being held in his arms! I feel small, and I love that.
6. What is his best quality? His ability to make conversation so easily and make you feel like you've been his friend forever.
7. Does he have a nick name for you? Love. He rarely calls me by my first name, and I get in trouble for calling him Hyrum since he thinks it makes it sound like he's in trouble.
8. What is his favorite food? Wendy's #6 (spicy chicken) with fries and a frosty.
9. What is his favorite sport? To watch: College Football. To do: He better say playing badminton with me, though I think it's more like Roping or Hunting.
10. When and where was your first kiss? May 1999. The second time I saw him (he was trucking and he made a detour from his planned course to come through my area). It was in the parking lot outside of my parents' house while we were dancing next to his semi to a Tim McGraw CD I had bought that day, and it's a very controversial subject about who kissed who first. He says I did because I gave him a small peck on the neck while we were dancing (since his neck is at my lip level when dancing), but I say he did because in my book, a quick, tiny peck on the neck doesn't count compared to him pulling his head back to look at me, then leaning down for the real kiss. Right after that kiss, my dad drove up, saw us, and came over to check things out, so that was the end of the kissing.
11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Spend every second together (hence I work with him now). Doing anything as long as we're together is our favorite thing. Could be shopping, driving, watching a movie, pettin' and sofa settin' (I couldn't resist the 7 Brides for 7 Brothers plug), or anything really.
12. Do you have children? Yes, 2 girls and 1 boy with another girl due in Feb.
13. Does he have hidden talents? Finding great deals on boats for my parents. The gift of gab, though it's pretty obvious. He also is the best backer-upper I've ever seen. No seriously. It's got to be a talent because he is seriously amazing at it. Even parallel parking a semi truck is no problem for him.
14. How old is he? 31. I'm 10 months older than him.
15. Who said I love you first? I did, over the phone, because it was a touchy subject since I had a missionary. I knew he wanted to say it to me, but he said he wouldn't say it unless I said it first, so I said "I think I love you" to test the waters. He was on the couch at him mom's apartment (on a break from driving) in Utah and I was laying in my bed in Oregon.
16. His favorite music? Country, or LAME-O stuff like Anne Murray. He also likes old rock and a Capella stuff.
17. What do you admire most about him? His ability to converse with people so easily. I beg him to call my friends and family because he's so comfortable talking to people on the phone, and I'm not. He becomes great friends with them in a hurry because of that. Ask Tim and Marcee!
18. What is his favorite color? He doesn't claim one, but he does wear Red every Friday for the soldiers and he wears a lot of blue because of BYU.
19. Will he read this? Of course. He reads all my posts and all the posts of his friends and our families. He loves seeing what's going on in people's lives and he's VERY nosey. He even checks our deleted folder on email to see if he missed something that I deleted. If I was paranoid, I'd think he was checking on me, but I know he's just nosey and curious. When we go out to eat, he's always watching people and eavesdropping on their conversations.
20. Who do you tag? Hmmm. Teresa, so she doesn't get mad at me again for not tagging her AND she can tag the sisters, Annie since I don't know ANYTHING about her husband, and anyone else who's feeling lovey toward their husband.
Daisha, I'll let you off the hook, unless you want to do this one. I know you've been tagged a lot lately and you're not the biggest fan of tags, and I know most everything about Edward because you brag about him all the time. He's a good guy! But if you want it for journaling, it would be fun to read.
We just love Hyrum... all of you really. Nice to hear some fun things about him. Thanks for playing!
I wouldn't say I "brag"! And even if I do, bragging about your husband isn't such a bad thing, is it?! He is good.
I was only kidding, by the way. I know I brag!
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