Thursday, December 11, 2008

How to Fly

I was telling Talea today about how I had accidentally sniffed a piece of dust just like Horton had sniffed the leaf bug. I asked her if she ever saw all those floating pieces of dust in the air when the sun is shining in a room, and she said,

"Yeah, I love to eat that dust, because if I eat that dust, then it can lift me up to fly."

Isn't it funny how she'd see the dust flying and think it could make her fly, just like Horton thought that by sucking up more air he'd become lighter? Can you tell that we just watched Horton hears a Who? Sooooo funny!!!

Flying is Talea's obsession. She wants to fly like a fairy, with wings. Any time she makes a wish, she wishes she could fly. She even prays for it sometimes. I think I need to find her some fairy wings.

1 comment:

The Lanyons said...

She's such a character! I miss her.