Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fifth Disease again?

I was looking back at the pictures of Tilly's Fifth Disease when I remembered a time when Kiersa was 5 weeks old and her skin looked lacy after a bath, but I just chalked it up to "transparent" skin since I'd never even heard of Fifth disease. You know how some people's skin is so pale that you can kind of see all their veins? I thought that's how her skin was becoming, but it went away. You may have to click on the pictures to see it better.

Funny thing is, less than a month later Tilly had the lacy rash, and since I know she doesn't have transparent skin, I mentioned it to the doctor at one of Kiersa's well baby checks (of course the rash wasn't visible at the visit), and I was told it was Fifth disease. I looked it up online, and sure enough, it all made sense.

It you're going to get a disease as a kid, this is the one to get because it's not so bad. You may never feel any symptoms, but sometimes there is a fever or joint pain. It's contagious before you have any symptoms or rash, so that's kind of a bummer, but when you get the red "slapped" cheeks and then the rash, you aren't contagious anymore. It goes away on it's own too without treatment.

Here's the real bummer. I just learned that if you get it as an adult, it can cause arthritis. If you get it while you're pregnant, it can be harmful to the unborn baby. Great!!! I hope I don't get it! If Kiersa truly has Fifth Disease right now, she's not contagious anymore, but I won't know if I have it unless I get red cheeks or a rash or a fever or something. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I stay healthy. Good thing I was raised around a lot of bacteria so I don't catch many illnesses. I've got an iron stomach! It takes a lot to get a Cluff REALLY sick.

If Kiersa truly has it, why does she have the diarrhea and vomiting? She did have red cheeks, a fever, and now the rash, but what about the other stuff? My kids get bright red cheeks all the time, for various reasons. They get it from Hyrum. Also, this rash Kiersa has now is bumpy, which is different than what the girls had earlier this year, but is still apparently common with Fifth Disease. But it's only on her torso and head, not her limbs.

It's not a clear-cut case, that's for sure. I guess I'll call the doctor on Monday and ask her about it. If she thinks it is, I'll have to call my OB and alert him to the fact that I was exposed.

And what about Hyatt? He had a fever when I came back from the doctor with Kiersa, and he threw up at WalMart yesterday and again last night. Plus he threw up on Wednesday when Hyrum took the kids to get countertops with him. They weren't even on windy roads at the time. He's had diarrhea for quite a while, but that's not uncommon for him, though his frequency has increased. What is going on???!!! I've seen enough vomit in the last two weeks to last me 4 lifetimes, not to mention all the diarrhea! I guess I have to experience the "crappy" side of parenting so I can appreciate the great times even more.


Our Pratt Pack said...

On a side note Mia has those same panties!

Marcee said...

Poor little girls! :( I hate when my kiddos get sick. Nice that it isn't that bad. Hope you don' t get it!

John-Maren Goodman said...

When I was pregnant and working at a daycare center, there was a small epidemic of 5th disease that went around there. Everyone was acting like people were dying! I was really surprised that no one really knew what it really was but me!