Monday, May 26, 2008

Were you raised in a barn?

The only animals my kids have ever owned are house pets like cats, dogs, birds, fish...oh, and a rabbit. One of Hyrum's employees, Kyle, has some acreage and animals, so when our poor kids are feeling deprived of farm animal exposure, we visit Kyle and his family and have our own little petting zoo session. Here are some pictures we've taken from various visits.

I'm embarrassed to say this is only Tilly's second and Hyatt's first time on a horse. I feel so neglectful!

Hyatt is more terrified of goats than any other animal, yet this one's probably the friendliest animal on the farm.

"I wish I could hunt eggs. I LOVE to hunt eggs!" (Okay, Cluff movie buffs, what movie is this quote from?)

Hay is for horses...

This rooster was pretty cocky, strutting his stuff all over the place.

Our plan is to get Talea in love with horses so she won't notice that boys exist until she's in college.

These little billy goats gruff thought Tilly was the troll under the bridge.

Don't let the face fool you. Hyatt was terrified to sit on this horse. Cowboy up, little dude!

Can you guess who won the push-of-war?

When you can't see things eye-to-eye, try hard head-to-hard head.

See Kyle. See Kyle run. See duck. See duck run. See duck run away from Kyle.

The real Donald Duck.
Kiersa's testing this chick's neck strength before the ax takes a wack at it when it's grown. (Don't feel sad unless you're a vegetarian.)

Turkeys are so stinkin' cute! Or maybe just stinky.

Aren't they cute? (The chicks are cute too.)

1 comment:

Teresa Jolley said...

So adorable. Where are your San Diego Pics. I'm anxious to see them. Did you guys have fun? I bet you did.