Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Violence strikes the Johnson home

Talea, with her headstrong, gotta-have-my-way, almost four-year-old mentality (this was last week), got mad at Hyatt when he didn't want to play with her on the trampoline anymore. Since he was trying to get off and leave her, she sped up his descent by pushing him off, making him knock his head on the bench. I was upstairs talking to Shira about birthday plans when I heard Talea scream for help. I looked out the window and saw Hyatt under the bench by the trampoline with Talea pulling him out from under it. I ran outside, hung up with Shira, and checked Hyatt's condition. He was crying (always a good sign after an injury) and seemed to be aware of his surroundings and just wanted some magic mommy kisses. I asked what happened and Talea confessed to her crime. I was boiling with anger since she could have landed him in the hospital with a fall like that, but since she told me the truth, I leashed my anger and sent her to her room before I could react with physical punishments. Luckily, Hyatt was only scraped up, but Tilly did get one good spank after I'd cooled down to remind her that a stunt like that doesn't go unnoticed. I did appreciate her honesty though, which I felt was pretty brave of her considering she knew she was in deep water (hence the single spanking). So much for having a net around the trampoline to prevent falls!

Tilly kissed Hyatt better, and all was forgiven.

Gotta love the peanut butter and jelly face. Hyatt was only scratched, not bleeding, but band aids cure tears as well as kisses do.


Anonymous said...

It's dangerous being a kid. Every boo-boo that doesn't land you in the hospital E.R. is a blessing! Good luck!

Sierra said...

So fun to find your blog. I don't think I even knew you have 3 kids. Wow we are a close family!! We are moving to WA next month. Maybe we will get to see you more. What a cute family.