Saturday, May 10, 2008

Kiersa's a baldy!

Yes, in true Tiana fashion, I shaved yet another of my children's heads. Kiersa is my newest victim. I've shaved each one of my children's heads starting when they're something like 2 months old. I can't stand the bald spot on the back of babies' heads, and my poor kids always have more hair on the sides and back than on the top (yes, they then look like 80-year-old men). I can only tolerate it so long, so I shave their heads, and their hair grows back nice and even, and never has the wispy, my-baby-hair-is-falling-out look. Obviously I'm one of the only mom's it bothers because most people think I'm verging on abuse by shaving my babies' hair, but I think it looks so much better. I don't think their hair grows back thicker, but it definitely makes their hair grow faster than the other babies their age with unshaved heads. I keep shaving it over and over until when it grows back I don't see any sign of a bald spot on the back of their head. I end up shaving it for the better part of their first year, but hey, I see a lot of naturally bald babies, so it's fine. I've had someone tell me they thought it was so mean of me to shave their heads, but I just laugh it off. I don't care what they think, because they're the ones whose babies have the nasty, wispy hair. Kiersa actually had the least hair of all my kids, so her transformation was the least noticeable. No one even realizes I've shaved her head. Talea wasn't a huge transformation either. Hyatt, on the other hand, looked completely different and it was harder to adjust to.


before...barely getting a bald spot

before after


before...a receding hairline already? before
before...I hate the bald spot with a mullet!
after...well, it brought out his eyes!


before (in her Grandpa Hyrum's arms) before...the dreaded bald spot
before...look at how skinny she was at 6 weeks (barely 6 pounds) compared to my chubby Kiersa! Kiersa was never this skinny, even at birth!

I really only shaved Kiersa's hair because I noticed her new hair growing in, and I wanted it all to be even. Her hair was so short already, her bald spot was hardly noticeable.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I was just talking to my sister about this. What do you use to shave it?
And I don't think it is mean, my kids hair is hideous when they are babies.