Thursday, May 15, 2008

All of our kids have been born with birthmarks


Talea was born with a dimple in the middle of the bridge on her nose. She calls it her "hole." It looks like a pock mark or something. We thought maybe she'd been poked by something, but it never went away. It's her little trademark now, and we love it. Hopefully it doesn't end up bugging her.

The little strawberry to the left of her "hole" came when she was about 1, and it's something I'll get removed later if it bothers her. It's not a birthmark.

You can see the hole really well in this picture.

You can't really see the hole here, but you can see the cleft in her chin. Though it's not a birthmark, Hyrum and I both have clefts, and Talea is the only one of the three kids who inherited it.


Hyatt was born with a Mongolian spot on his lower back. It looks like a bruise right above his rear end. They disappear 3-5 years after birth, and his has already faded so much that I don't know if you'll be able to see it. I don't have a good picture of it. See if you can squint and find it in these pictures.

This is a picture I took of his mystery rash that I found when I put him in the tub last August. I took pictures in case it became something weird and I needed to show a doctor, but you can barely see the bluish spot of his birthmark right above his crack, next to a couple red spots.

You can barely see it now right above his waistband, between the two belt loops.

This picture was taken last September, and has nothing to do with his birthmark, but I just found it and thought it was so stinkin cute! Click on it to see him better.


Kiersa's birthmarks (2 of them) are a red spot on her left leg and a red spot on her left eyelid.

Here's the one on her leg.

Here's the one on her eye.

I'm sure she'll hate this birthmark later, but at least eyeshadow may cover it.

Again, not about the birthmark, but sooo sweet.

1 comment:

The Lanyons said...

Are you sure you're not related to Hyrum? Just kidding! I think it's really cool how you guys are so positive about the birthmarks (not that they're even bad!) and embrace them instead of making your kids feel lame about them.