Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hy(s) in a dress

Hyrum grew up with 2 older sisters and 3 younger sisters. His only brother is 10 years younger. Since he was surrounded by so many sisters, he inevidably was dressed in girls clothes more often than a boy should be allowed to. Now little Hyatt is following in his Daddy's footsteps. With an older sister who loves dressing up and all things girly, and with no brothers to stear him clear of fashion, Hyatt has already doned his share of dresses.



For those of you who feel that Hyatt wearing dresses means he's been emasculated, just wait until you read this. I don't allow boys to stand when they pee at my house! For one, it's stinky. For two, I'm the one who's stuck cleaning it. For three, it's messy. I've been a janitor and I've seen up close the difference between boys and girls bathrooms, and I have to say that girls bathrooms are a thousand times cleaner and fresher smelling, and it's because they sit.

I told Hyrum before we married that I'd never marry a man who refused to sit when he pees, so he was selfless enough to sacrifice time and convenience by sitting when he pees at our house. In exchange, I agreed to sacrifice peace and comfort by letting him sleep with a tabletop fan blowing at us all night long, even when it's freezing cold. Sure, even after 7 years he'd rather stand to pee and I'd rather give the fan a cruel and untimely death, but we know that it means a lot to the other person so we're willing to sacrifice. I'm training Hyatt to be just as courteous as his Daddy, so he sits to pee. The problem is, for the longest time he wouldn't stand anywhere! Not outside, at a urinal, or anything. My mom taught him the "Indian boy" song to get him to pee outside, and after a while, he figured out how to relax enough when standing to accomplish the feat. I caught him naked as a noo-noo peeing off my railing into the bushes the other day. It was pretty funny. And yes, he still isn't allowed to pee standing up at my toilet...only in the bushes.


Austin said...

Cute! I am sure Erik would have all kinds of problems IF he had boy that wore a dress. But now with 3 girls if we ever have a boy it is pretty much a given that it will happen.
Erik says the same things about boys bathrooms, for that reason he does not like to take the girls in the mens room.

Our Pratt Pack said...

That naked pic is hilarious!