Wednesday, May 28, 2008


All right, all right. I'm finally getting to my posts about our San Diego vacation to visit my sister, Tasha. I had to get some older posts done before I looked through the 945 pictures we took, plus I had a crud load of unpacking to do. Also, we rearranged our apartment last night (our bed is now in the bedrooom and the kids are in the living room so we have more privacy and guests can sit on the kids' day bed instead of our bed), and now I can do workouts in my living room! Hurray...I think. In any case, I no longer have an excuse as to why I can't do any aerobics videos.

Our plan was to head down to Ashland on Tuesday after work so we could fly out of Medford early Wednesday morning. On Monday morning I woke up feeling a little strange, but I got up and got dressed so I could put some final grout in our on-going shower project, but when I went outside I felt like I might pass out, so I went back in and laid on my bed. Hyrum was working at home that morning, so I told him how I felt and that I suspected (from the pain and red streaks) I had a breast infection (stinkin' breastfeeding always gives me troubles with every baby). I started getting the chills (despite the fact that it wasn't even remotely cold that morning), so I called my OB's office and they prescribed some antibiotics. I took a HOT bath to get rid of the chills (though I didn't get to relax alone since my little ones stripped and jumped in despite the complaints that it was lava hot), then I got in bed and didn't move the rest of the day. I felt horrible with a fever and everything, so I was scared our vacation would be ruined. Hyrum was sweet enough to take care of the two older kids while I slept and when he eventually had to go in to work, he took them and let them ride their bikes in the back shop while he worked. I hardly moved the rest of the day, and with all the rest I got (I turned on cartoons and animal planet for Kiersa to keep her eyes entertained while I slept), I felt recovered enough by Tuesday morning to keep the vacation plans. I was going to have to take pills the whole vacation though, which was a bummer.

We stayed at my parents' house on Tuesday night, but unfortunately the water happened to be malfunctioning that day, so no showers, brushing teeth, or flushing of toilets happened while we were there. It's a typical Cluff thing to happen, so we just dealt with it and stunk it up all the way to Tasha's. Not really, but we felt pretty grimy by the time we got to Tasha's.

We had free air miles, so we were lucky enough to be able to fly down there instead of having a 17 hour or so drive. This was our big summer vacation, and a celebration of Hyrum's birthday. It was Talea's and Kiersa's second time on a plane (though Talea was too young the first time to remember it), and it was Hyatt's first time. They really liked it! We flew on a jet on the way down, and on a prop plane on the way back. I prefer the prop since the wings are on the top of the plane and they don't block your view below, though it's slightly louder.

Here's our plane from the flight back. We were hoping that my Uncle Ron was the pilot on our way down, since he flies the Horizon jets, but he wasn't.

The kids didn't care for their ears popping so much, but with some gum and drinks, they were okay and we actually got a compliment about how well our children behaved on the plane. I, on the other hand, asked for some orange juice for Tilly's sippy so she wouldn't spill on the plane, and when I tried to put the lid on one-handed (since I was nursing Kiersa to help her ears), I was the one who spilled. I dumped the whole thing in the pocket in front of me and on the floor and Tilly and my shoes. Dozens of towels and baby wipes later, the mess was cleaned, but the soggy magazines in the pocket won't be fun for the next person to read. Oops!

We flew into LA and took a shuttle from the airport to the car rental place. It was the kids' first time on a bus, and they thought it was pretty great. Tilly wants to go to school solely so she can ride on a school bus.

Hyrum wouldn't let me take a normal picture of him, so this is what I got.
And it gave him a pain in the neck for the rest of the day. Ha! That's what you get for pulling a "Scott" and making a silly face for pictures.
Kiersa spent the ride asleep.
I know, he looks bored, but he really was about bouncing off the seats with excitement the whole time. I promise!

We waited quite a while to get our car, so the kids and I entertained ourselves outside. We were supposed to get a Dodge Charger or something similar in size, but ended up with a tiny Jeep Patriot piece-of-crude-4-cylinder that Kiersa hated so much she screamed every time the car moved. NEVER buy one! They're lame!

See? I told you I'd put pictures in of myself! It's crappy, but I guess it's how I look when I don't get a shower. Have I turned into one of "those" moms? I guess so.

Just killing time.

It took 2 hours and a missed exit to get to Tasha's house, but we were grateful to arrive! And to shower and brush our teeth! We all found something to do very quickly. I took pictures.

No rest for the wicked! Hyrum had to get straight to work, even before a shower. Not much of a vacation, poor guy. The calls didn't let up until the weekend.

Hyatt found a really cool trike and car!

Tilly and Dru were thrilled to reunite after 9 months (they're only 3 months apart in age). Can you believe how tan Dru is? Tilly is ghost white compared to her! I guess you can tell which one lives in a winter of clouds and a winter of sun.

Kiersa got some attention from a doting aunt.

Tasha was the perfect hostess. She hates to do any household chores except for dishes, yet while we were there she did a million loads of laundry for us so I wouldn't be loaded with laundry when I got home, she cooked a ton of YUMMY meals (including Cluff-style biscuits and gravy, thick BBQed steaks, and even bacon, eggs and pancakes), she kept her house spotless, did lots of dishes, styled Tilly's hair, helped the girls play dress-up, became our personal tour guide and went to the parks with us. And even after all that, she kept trying to be sneaky by paying for things!

On Wednesday evening, after we'd settled in and chatted, Cage watched the two big girls while the rest of us went and toured model homes. It was late in the day, so we only got to go through 3. I could have happily spent an entire day going through homes. Maybe next time. Hyatt fell asleep on the way to the homes, so Tasha had the privilege of lugging his dead weight around.

Hyrum had to inspect the kitchens, of course. He said they were really cheap and bottom-of-the-line.

We wished we could have stayed longer, but with so much planned, the days flew by. Now, I hear that it rarely rains in San Diego, so even Cage's lunch room at school is outdoors, but it rained (well, it was more of a heavy sprinkle) most of the time we were there. Not heavy rain, but enough that on Friday we had to alter our plans because of the weather. Of course! It was well worth going, and we can't wait to go again, though next time we'll have less on our plate so we can just hang out. We didn't make it to the hotel I wanted to see(did you watch "Some Like It Hot" yet?), and didn't get to the drive in, but we did watch "So You Think You Can Dance" with Tasha and co. and it was great! You've got to check out this popper from the show!

I considered posting a bunch of vacation pictures in slideshow form, but I really can't stand looking at those on people's blogs because they move too slow and I can't control them. I've never looked at them more than 5 seconds before saying "forget it, I don't have time to go this slow." I like skimming through posted photos and clicking on particular ones, so I'm going to post my pictures according to the park we went to, and just put a few pictures up (not all 945).

1 comment:

SarahCeleste said...

Wow, what a cool Trip! I loved seeing Tasha too. San Diego would be so nice! Making memories baby!