Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just plain fun!

Grammie (Cluff) taught Tilly and Hyatt how to build nests in tall grass, so they were pretending to sleep in their nests with their friend, Milana.

We can spice up a run to get countertops (1 hour travel each way) so no one gets bored. We play with the camera while Hyrum's truck is getting loaded!

In the middle of getting dressed in their jammies, Hyatt and Talea decided to attack Hyrum and have a climbing contest.

1 comment:

Teresa Jolley said...

So cute. These are the pictures I love the most, just playing with the camera and getting random shots. Tell Hyrum nice Carhardt jacket. We need more pics of Kiersa and Tiana or i'll go on strike and quit reading... :P