Thursday, May 15, 2008

O Holy Night

Monday night was the best night of my life...since Kiersa was born. Hyrum put her to bed when she fell asleep around 11:30 pm, she fussed at about midnight for a few seconds, then she was peaceful the rest of the night. She slept in until 8:15 am!!! I can't remember her sleeping in past 6 am before (dang it!). Talea had fallen asleep at about 7:30pm from the lack of a nap, so she woke up at 6:45. Horrors! My kids go to sleep just before we do, around 11pm usually. I don't mind because they sleep in longer, and since Kiersa likes to go to sleep around midnight, I don't get the luxury of going to bed early, so sleeping in is a blessing.
My kids normally wake up somewhere between 7:30 and 9:30 am, with 8:30 being the norm. Thank goodness! If Kiersa went to bed at midnight and my kids woke up at 6 like so many of my friends' kids, I would die!!!! I don't handle the lack of sleep very well. I become one of the "Thriller" zombies. Although Kiersa normally wakes up at 6, I can put her in bed with me and feed her while I fall asleep again.

Hyatt woke up right after Talea did (they sleep together so he noticed when she left) and followed her into our bed, so with 2 adults and 2 kids in a queen sized bed, I was praying for Kiersa to stay asleep. I don't think she could have squished in with us if she'd tried. Needless to say, I was very disappointed when I saw that Talea woke up so early, but she managed to fall asleep again and then got up when Hyrum got up for work. In the back of my mind I was scared Kiersa has suffocated since it was so late, but nope, she was fine, and I was thrilled!

Tuesday night Kiersa fell asleep at 8:30, which is unheard of, and woke up around 6, ate for a 1/2 hour, then didn't wake up again until 7:30. I must have been doing something right to get so lucky! And last night she fell asleep around 10:30 and got up around 6, ate and fell asleep again. Since she went to bed so early the last 2 nights, I've gotten up early. Instead of falling asleep after she eats, I got up and did laundry and worked around the yard for an hour before anyone woke up, and then this morning I went on a walk/jog for a while since Hyrum was still home.

I have to say, getting out of the house around 6:30 am is magical! It's completely peaceful here outside, the fog is breaking, the sun is beginning to shine, the light is perfect, and the air is refreshing. I adore getting up early and being outside, if I haven't been up late the night before. I just hate the initial waking up. Once I'm up, I'm fine! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I keep getting to go to bed early so I can continue to wake up early and jog.

1 comment:

Austin said...

Wow that's nice. My little one slept for 9 hours straight a couple weeks ago and hasn't done it since. She still wakes 2-3 times a night eating twice during the night. I usually stay up until 12 cause that's about the first time she wakes up.
We have an earlier bed time around here now. We use to let them stay up later, but we just wanted more time to ourselves so we started putting them to bed at 9. The older ones wake up between 7-8am. Brylee seems to be doing the best out of all my kids. My others sisn't sleep through the night until 8 months, I am hoping it comes sooner with this one.