Monday, May 5, 2008

Tilly's first slumber party

Probably more exciting for Talea than her birthday parties was the fact that she had her first slumber party! Maelin came over after Party #3 and spent the night at our place. The girls played in the yard (please ignore how trashy it looks...I haven't had a chance to fix the landscaping yet), played in Tilly's room, watched movies and slept on the floor together. Tilly got to use her princess sleeping bag that she got for her birthday. My baby's growing up! I can't believe I just hosted a slumber party for one of my kids!

1 comment:

The Lanyons said...

Wow, she's young to have a slumber party! You're brave. Don't tell Tabby because I'm not going to host one until she's 7 or 8 - I don't want to deal with kids waking up in the night or peeing all over the floor!