Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ultrasound results

We held out the whole ultrasound saying we didn't want to know the sex of the baby, mostly because Tilly didn't want to find out. She wanted to wait until it was born and have Hyatt tell us the sex, like she got to do with Kiersa. We finally convinced her to give in at the end of the ultrasound since we were dying of curiosity, and we told the tech to go to the region and not tell us, but see if we could tell by ourselves. I instantly thought I saw girl parts, but wasn't positive until the tech finally confirmed it. He held us in suspense for a bit. There was definitely a lack of boy parts, at least compared to Hyatt. Hyatt was obvious from a mile away! The tech spent quite a bit of time trying to get just the right picture, but ended up still with a sub par picture in my opinion, but will all that time spent looking, he said it's 100% definitely a girl. It will be super fun for Kiersa since they'll barely be a year apart in age, but poor Hyatt still doesn't have a brother.

Here's what her skull looks like, and her profile (she was sucking on her fingers...though you can't really tell in this picture).

It was funny because when we first peeked at her, she had her hand up against her face, exactly the way I was holding mine at that same moment, and the tech pointed it out. Very cute! I felt instantly bonded. We're excited to welcome another girl into our family, but are perplexed at what to name her! For the first time ever, we had boy name options picked out before girl names. Johnson jinx strikes again.

I still haven't posted my updates since I'm waiting on the pictures (stinking snail-mail), so beware! In a few days (I hope) I'll have the pictures and I'll be flooding my blog with new posts. Get a comfy chair ready with a thick cushion because you'll be sitting for a while, well, if you're an avid reader of my blog you will.


John-Maren Goodman said...

Yay! I get another Neice!!! I think you two make beautiful kids so either way she will be dang cute!! Maybe I can make it down there for that ones birth too! That would be so so awesome! Anyway I love you guys and miss you soooo much!

Marcee said...

I can't believe it... Everyone that I know right now that is pregnant is having a girl. That is about 6 or 7 people! Isn't that crazy! Congrats to all of you. And poor little Hyatt, he needs a bro. Guess we'll have to visit you more so our boys can be buddies!

The Not-a-hoes said...

wahoo! our girls are going to be really close! im excited!! even tho they prob wont meet for a while they will be great buds! i dont know how you waited not knowing with kiersa! i would die! so its awesome you found out with this one cuz i wanted to know too :)

The Lanyons said...

Hooray, another sister! Ya gotta love a big batch o' girls! I'm sure they'll be great friends - like us!! But I do feel for the poor little thing being third in line for hand-me-downs from Talea (rips/grass stains) and Kiersa (stretched out in the thigh area)! hehe