Friday, October 17, 2008

TAG! The Musical

Daisha tagged me on this one. This is why she tagged me: "Tiana (she never listens to music so I want to see what she comes up with)." I'm a musical retard, and it's true I rarely ever turn on music, so this will be brief and boring.

My Musical Taste:
Mostly country, but I like a little of most everything. Overall, I hardly ever listen to music, unless I'm around Hyrum because he always listens to it.

What I'm listening to at the moment:
Not music, only the voices of my children.

My Guilty Pleasures:
Musicals (movie versions, not theatre versions)
Music from my childhood, such as "My turn on earth", Standing Tall tunes like "Work" (work, work, work, you can do it if you try...)

Music I Hate:
I absolutely CAN NOT tolerate music that has screaming and vocals so screechy and screamy you can't understand them. A lot of the music that Dallas, Weston, David and Nial listened to while they worked on my house drove me insane. I also hate it when the bass is turned up so much you hear a "heartbeat" down the road before the car even approaches.
Hard core rock
Punkish stuff
Instrumental stuff like Kenny G
Actually, I can't stand a lot of the music Hyrum and his family loves, like Anne Murray. How in the heck did they develop a love for their kind of music?? A couple weeks ago, Hyrum discovered that the majority of the artists he loves drive me crazy, and he was shocked. He said it was like I was a different person suddenly because he always thought I liked most of them. Sorry, Hy, but Kenny Rogers, Anne Murray, Billy Joel, most a capella stuff and church stuff like Janice Kapp Perry just sounds so corny and lame to me. But as Simon Cowell would say, "It's only an opinion!"

Most of all, I can't stand playlists on people's blogs, so I automatically search for the pause button to stop it. Actually, I enjoy Amanda's playlist because it's quiet and rather soothing. It doesn't start blaring like others do when I'm blogging at 11 pm. Mercifully, Maren made her playlist an option to listen to, so I don't have to mute hers anymore (sorry, May, I never liked your music, but Hyrum loves it of course). I wish everyone did that. Sorry everyone! I don't mean to offend anyone, I just don't share musical taste with the people whose blogs I follow. To each his own!

"Our Song":
"You're my best friend", by Tim McGraw. The first time Hyrum came back to visit me after meeting me (we met by coincidence while he was driving semi and came through my area), I bought the latest Tim McGraw CD and we danced to that CD in the parking lot by my house next to his semi. That song was on that CD and quickly fit our relationship perfectly. It also reminded us of dancing in the parking lot, where we had our first kiss (just for the record, he kissed me first, but he'll dispute that to his grave). I LOVE LOVE LOVE Tim McGraw and that song is amazing.


Hip Hop/Rap (Fo' Sho' or Whack?) Fo' Sho', but I'd say more of something in between, although I love the Rap song "Gangster Paradise", though the Weird Al Amish version is even better.

Jazz (Smooth or Corny?) Corny.

New Age (Energizing or Psycho?) Uh, what's the New Age stuff? If it's what I'm thinking, it's Psycho.

Pop (Rad or Bad?) Rad, I guess, though I don't listen to it much. I listened to it a lot in high school though, so it brings back memories.

Classic Rock (Rockin' or Worn Out?) Rockin'

Country (Yeehaw or Whoa Nelly?) Yeehaw!! My favorite genre by far. I hated it my whole life because Daisha hated it, but once she moved out of the house and I was at the end of high school, my best friend loved it and got me into it, and once I gave it a chance, I adored it. Definitely my thing, but then again, I am a country girl at heart.

Classical (Reputable or Substandard?) Reputable. Always in fashion and never offensive. Love it!

Alternative (Nirvana or Grungy?) Nirvana. I prefer it over Pop and Rock.

Techno (Electric or Mixed Up?) Electric. I like Madonnas techno, but I don't know much more about it than that.

In summary, if I was stranded on a desert island with only one artist to keep me company, I'd have a hard time choosing between Sting and Tim McGraw. Everything else I could live without if I HAD to.

I Tag:
Gol, I don't know who to tag, because honestly, I'm not all that curious about other people's musical tastes. If you're into music and want to do this tag, go for it!

1 comment:

The Lanyons said...

Even though I think I know you pretty well, I still learn new junk about you in these tags!