Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kiersa and the identity crisis

I know I've mentioned how my kids, as babies, are always mistaken for the other sex. Talea AND Kiersa both were called boys even when they were dressed in pink. Just to prove how bad it is, my own Grandma, when she came to visit us yesterday, kept saying "he" when referring to Kiersa. I had Kiersa in a pink/heart jacket, and my own Grandma thought she was a boy! I mean, come on!!!! I know she has a lot of great grand kids, but I live close enough and see her often enough that I thought she'd remember I'd given birth to a GIRL!

What do I have to do?! Pierce her ears? Have her wear dresses? It's too cold on the floor for dresses, and she gets everything she wears trashed because she scoots around or crawls everywhere. Duh. I'll just have to keep correcting people I guess, though I didn't correct my Grandma since it was a quick visit and she was rushed (my 90-something-year-old Aunt Ida was in the car, and she HATES to wait). Oh well. I'm pretty used to it by now. Paisley will get it next, I'm sure.

Kiersa has a serious attachment to our dining room chairs. I think she thinks they're her personal jungle gym. She'll lay under and laugh, or she'll crawl over the crossbars, or pull herself up on them. I always know I can find her at or under the chairs.

Kiersa has always had an obsession with her tongue. She used to always stick it out, and now she always chews on it in the side of her mouth. I caught it on video, which is a rare feat. Every time I try to catch something she does on video (like gagging at her bottle when she's done), she stops doing it. She was playing on the floor with the kids, and yes, I sound like a smoker because I have a cold.

And the best news of all...Kiersa is no longer afraid of our dogs, not that a couple of tiny little min pins should be intimidating in the first place. She doesn't cry around them anymore, and she even tries to touch them when they come by her.


John-Maren Goodman said...

I love that she has cute little quirks like that~! Star always sticks her bottom jaw out, and she never closes her mouth so it's funny to watch her stare at you! PS Hyatt is such a little identical to My brother! I am still so amazed when I see him!

Cindi said...

Headbands with big bows! That should do the trick. Although, Kiersa is just too pretty to be mistaken for a boy.

The Lanyons said...

Hot-glue bows and flowers all over her body (Dakota's suggestion)

Sprinkle her with glitter before leaving the house (My idea)

Have long hair (Tabby's idea)

Marcee said...

I don't know about the girl thing... I have boys and I even had one of them mistaken for a girl!! I looked at the old women and said "HIS" name is... He smiled and walked away. I think your kids are adorable and I can tell what they are.

John-Maren Goodman said...

Hey when your in town maybe I'll take you to Kid-to-Kid! They have this great little system of headbands and bows that are so great! You only us one headband and change out the bows. You can even make them yourself! They are what I want if I have a little girl!

Teresa Jolley said...

I love the chewing on her tongue. That is funny. It almost looks like she's chewing gum or something.