Saturday, October 4, 2008

The house saga continued

On Friday we had people working on our house. The first professionals to tackle the job. They're going to rip down an exterior wall and replace it (since it's barely hanging together as it is), repair the dry rot, build the interior load bearing walls, and possibly install our siding, depending on the budget at that point.

In prep for all this work, Hyrum and I, with Tilly and Hyatt's help, rolled up our sleeves today and pulled all of the old electrical wires out of the walls and ceilings (goodbye dangerous knob-and-tube wiring...and yes, the power company did come out and completely disconnect our service to the house before we messed with the wires), and we installed the first two of a million or so windows. No more single pane windows for us!

Here's the front of the house before all the work started, after the siding was ripped off, and after the new windows were installed in the front.

The front entry before, and with the entry ripped off to repair the foundation and dry rot.

The south side before, and after we ripped off the dog room and started repairing the dry rot. This wall has the worst of the damage.

The chimney side before, and currently. No new windows on this side yet.

The back before, after we ripped off siding and a set of windows, and currently with half of a wall ripped off to repair the ridiculous construction it had, or lack of I should say.

We're working on making the interior walls thicker so we can run electrical wires and boxes in them. Progress is slow, but at least it's finally happening. I'll post more updates on it later. We'll be finishing the windows and putting up window trim and siding very soon.


John-Maren Goodman said...

Wow what a big project. I am so impressed at the amount of work you two have taken on. The house looks like a construction zone, definitely but I know that you guys will make it look so amazing once again! Can't wait to see the progress! You've made so much already.

John-Maren Goodman said...
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The Lanyons said...

I honestly don't know how you do it!