Saturday, October 18, 2008


Kiersa has two cousins she hasn't met yet (they live way over in Wyoming) that are only around a month older than her, but I thought I'd post a recent picture of the three of them so you can see how cute it is that they're all so close in age.


Ellie and Lincoln

Ellie has to be the most beautiful baby girl I've seen in my life. She could seriously be in commercials, or be the new Gerber baby. There is NO mistaking if she's a boy or girl. Just look at those eyes and pretty features! Lincoln is such a handsome boy, isn't he? I love his brown eyes, and he has the biggest smile I've seen on a baby (and a mouth full of teeth already). There's no mistaking he's a boy! ALL of my children, on the other hand, no matter what sex they are, are ALWAYS mistaken for the other sex. Kiersa is always called a boy, and Talea was called a boy even when I had her in full pink. Hyatt, was always called a girl. I don't get it!

1 comment:

The Lanyons said...

I couldn't believe it when you were out here and everyone kept calling Kiersa a boy - even when she was wearing pink! Whateve?r!