Sunday, October 26, 2008


Surprise #1: Look who is going to force me to crawl under the crib for adjustments.
We woke up to a surprise this morning. Kiersa was standing up in her crib holding onto the side! I guess that means we have to lower the mattress now.

Surprise #2: Look who likes confinement!
Here's where we find Kiersa all the time. She loves the chairs because she can pull herself up to kneeling or standing at them. Somehow she got under one today.

Surprise #3: Look who came for a visit.
My mom and my twin brothers (Dallas and Weston), plus Weston's girlfriend (Emily) came up today for a last minute visit because my Grandma came up to visit her sister, so they all tagged along. They called us about a half hour before they left to tell us they were coming, and 3 hours later, they were here.

Surprise #4: Look who's never held a baby!
Weston's girlfriend came too, and though she's 16, she's never held a baby before. We forced her to hold Kiersa because I think it's flabbergasting that she's gone this long in life without an infant in her arms. It took A LONG time to get her to do it, but finally she gave in and held her. I think Edward even looks more natural with a baby in his arms than she does. It was hilarious. I wonder how motherhood will feel to her.

Here she is refusing to hold her. Note the tightly crossed arms.

Starting to give in to the peer pressure.

She's actually starting to do it, though Kiersa's not too sure if she wants to be involved!

She can do it!!!

And they both survived, though Kiersa looks seriously worried about Emily's capabilities.

Wow! A lot of surprises for one day!


The Leithead Family said...

Hey guys!! Thanks for the comment you left on our blog! I have to admit that I am a blog stalker too...Yes, I've even looked at yours before!! I am kind of shy and sometimes can't bring myself to say anything!! ha ha! But I am glad that I found your is really fun to see what everyone is up to! Are you still in Heber City?


John-Maren Goodman said...

My little niece has changed so much, and I'm so sad that I missed it!! Thank you so much for keeping us up to date on the blog! It's the easiest way to see all these cute and exciting things that your kids are learning!!

The Not-a-hoes said...

yeah that is crazy that at 16 she never held a baby! i was babysitting as soon as i could lift the babies up! she is cute tho weston got a looker :)

The Lanyons said...

Weston's girlfriend is cute. How'd he pull that off?!