Sunday, October 26, 2008

Quirky quails

Have you ever tried to imitate the sound of a quail?

It's difficult. Just try it and you'll see. Do you say "twit twit" or "toick toick" or "quick quick quick"...I mean really. I know what they sound like, but how do you imitate it?! It's not that I often go around TRYING to imitate animals sounds, but I'm a mother to an extremely inquisitive, animal-loving 4-year-old who is very observant of nature, so I'm CONSTANTLY asked how to make various animal noises. I don't know of many people who have to imitate a quail or a hummingbird or a buffalo, or even a giraffe for their kids, but I do. Today, while we were at work with Hyrum, Talea found a stick with a leaf on the end. Wait a sec, here's some background to the story that's unfolding: The tree across the street from our house was covered in red leaves, and after seeing Daisha's leaf wreath she made with Tabitha, I thought I'd try my hand at making one with the kids for the office. It was a pitiful attempt, not even worthy of pictures (Hyrum says it looks like a bunch of socks), but the good that came out of it was that there were several long sticks with unwanted leaves on it that I chucked outside to decompose. Talea spotted them, and with the creative, animal mind she has, she came running in the office saying "Look, Mommy! I'm a quail!!! I can hide behind things and you can find me because of the feather on my head. Watch! (She hid behind a cabinet.) Can you see me?" (She was holding the 4 foot stick on top of her head.) Hyatt, seeing her game, ran and found a quail feather of his own and hid with her. I thought they were pretty clever to make a quail feather out of a stick with a leaf.

I managed to catch the kids in the kennel with the kittens (I remembered my camera!), so here they are, looking caged, yet happy.

Unfortunately, no one wanted kittens, but the devil cat did manage to escape and make a break for freedom. Banjo ran away from us and across the street, until she realized she didn't know where she was, so she ran back toward us, and not wanting to be caught, she ran into the ditch pipe. I decided she could just become a stray for all I care, but she wandered into the office later, so she's back in custody.


Anonymous said...

Awesome, I'm buying a cage for my kids!!!!

The Not-a-hoes said...

We decided on Marlee instead of ey so hopefully she wont be compared to bob marley her whole life.
I thought i heard the dr on the 8 week ultrasound say the due date was march 30, david swears he said march 20th. the nurse said the due date written down was march 20th so this one is just 4 days off. the dr wasnt even there this apt so when i go back in november i will ask for clarification!

The Lanyons said...

keep an eye on the black one at halloween!

Teresa Jolley said...

Ship the black one to Maren, she used to have a black cat that she loved, but it didn't have a tail. His name was shorty.