Thursday, October 16, 2008

So you want to marry a million-dollar husband...

Look for a guy who:

1. Was raised with a lot of siblings.
2. Has lots of sisters.
3. Isn't afraid to change tons of stinky diapers.
4. Can make a bottle better than you can.
5. Will get up in the night to take care of the kids, make nightmares go away, make bottles and do bathroom runs with the little ones so you can get more sleep, especially when you're pregnant.
6. Will willingly take the kids to work with him since you were up from 1:45 am to 7 am with pregnancy-induced insomnia.
7. Would rather have splinters shoved under his fingernails than be parted from his family for more than a couple of hours each day.
8. Plays with the kids mercilessly and tosses them in the air so they'll toughen up and not be cry babies.
9. Will take his kids to work with him if they ask him to.
10. Isn't ashamed to show off his family, even if they look like they've just rolled out of bed and into a mud puddle and don't know what a brush is (including his wife).
11. Isn't afraid to be at your side while you're delivering his baby, or who will deliver the baby for that matter.
12. Was raised in the country so he knows the value of hard work and tough love.
13. Loves his family, and extended family, unconditionally and tries to help them, whether they realize they need the help or not.
14. Will bathe the kids and dress them just because you don't feel like doing it that time.
15. Will make you feel beautiful even when you don't feel like you are, and will tell you he doesn't want to spend a moment away from you because you make him that happy.
16. Would always rather be with the wife and kids over any friend or family member.

I found that million-dollar husband, and he's all these things and more. I want you, Hyrum, to know how much you mean to me and that I can't imagine what I would do without you in my life. You make me happy every day and I know how good I have it and that I'm so lucky you stuck around while I made up my mind about my future with you. You've been my best friend almost from the moment I met you, and I've been hopelessly addicted to you ever since. You'll never know how much your help with the kids means to me (especially in the middle of the night), and how much I'm looking forward to the rest of our lives (and beyond) together. You are my perfect match and I adore you!! Never forget that! I know it's not our anniversary or a special date on the calendar...I just wanted you to know how much you're loved. It was more than coincidence, you know.


John-Maren Goodman said...

Well Hyrum just left all of our Husbands in the Dust!!!! I'm touched that I'm related to your husband! I love him too ya know~! I've always looked up to him. He's practicly the only father figure I've had, but he's my big brother which is even better~ I've wanted nothing more in my life than his approval my whole life, and for him to say he's proud of me~ LOVE YOU HYRUM!~

Marcee said...

You definately lucked out in the hubby department. I agree w/the above comment... our husbands were all left in the dust. Glad yu are so happy together!

Cindi said...

I've always adored Hyrum! Every girl should be so lucky to have a man like him as a husband. (Maybe he's in the wrong profession... he should be a "husband-material" instructor. ;)
I've really loved reading your blog, Tiana, because although I've met you a few times I don't really "know" you. Reading your blog has introduced me to the real you and I really like you! It also makes me so happy when I read how much you love your husband. I'm really greatful that you found each other, because it sounds like you are perfect together. You're very lucky and blessed! :D

The Lanyons said...

Thanks a lot! Edward came home from work complaining about how I don't write anything nice about him on our blog!! :) I referred him to our anniversary and engagiversary posts and he was satisfied.