Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hyatt's haircut



We all needed haircuts before we left for England, but I ran out of time to give any. The day before we left, I went in for a haircut to get rid of the dead ends, and we made it a family affair since I had all the kids with me. Hyrum came by to pick up the kids while I was occupied, but he ended up being able to get his hair cut there also. I've been the only one to cut Hyrum's hair since I started dating him (aside from when Teresa accidentally butchered Hyrum's hair, leaving him with a buzz in the end, and when he got a cut at some salon they gave him a Dumb-and-Dumber cut right before family pictures), so I was a little skeptical, but it ended up fine as long as it was styled. They left it a little long for Hyrum's taste, but it was going to have to do.

Sure enough, it was getting shaggy during our vacation, but Hyrum's hair usually gets pretty shaggy before he'll go under the scissors. His brother commented that he needed a haircut after looking at our vacation pictures, so I'll have him know it wasn't MY fault that his hair was too long for David's tastes. They, too, cut his hair in a dumb and dumber fashion that was noticable when Hy didn't style his hair. During our whole vacation, Hy rarely styled his hair, and I never styled mine. I don't know if Daisha owns a hairdryer, and I KNOW she doesn't own a flat iron because her hair is bone straight, so I spent the vacation letting my hair air dry every day, which didn't make for the cutest of pictures, but at least it was easy. I challenge ALL of you girls to go on vacation for 3 weeks WITHOUT a hair dryer, curling iron, flat iron, or anything else that requires electricity and see how your hair turns out in pictures. You can't use your electrical stuff in England because their electricity is 220 instead of 110. It would be like plugging your hair dryer into the plug for your oven. Doesn't quite work.

So when we got home, Hyatt's hair was completely shaggy and Talea had terrible ends. I trimmed about 3 inches off of Talea's hair, much to her dismay (she wants ultra long hair), and then started on Hyatt. He was way too impatient and wiggly for the scissors, so I got out the clippers. The attachment I put on was too short for what I was expecting, so he was sheared pretty close. When I finished, I said "Hyatt! You look so different!" He looked in the mirror, made his oh-so-familiar scowling face, and said "I'm not handsome anymore!!! I don't like it!" and then about started crying. I felt bad then. At least hair grows back! It was a shocking change to go from so long to so short.

Just thought I'd throw in a couple of pictures of the girls that were taken in the car when I took Hyatt's after pictures. Isn't Keirsa a chub? Look at those arm rolls! Her diaper covers her leg rolls.


John-Maren Goodman said...

I think Hyatt looks so HANDSOME!!! whawoo!!! And Talea is really such a beautiful little girl. I think she could do commercials! Yes Keirsa is chubby! The cutest little thing I've ever see with her beautiful blue eyes and sweet smile!

The Not-a-hoes said...

wow hyatt looks so grown up! he is a stud! and tillys hair is getting very blonde!! David got to make that comment only because he had just gotten a hair cut when you posted that. the day before he looked worse than hyrum! plus he had the month old shaggy beard! yuck!

Cindi said...

Poor little Hyatt! He doesn't think he's handsome anymore?! Well, I beg to differ! I think that he looks VERY handsome and his haircut is just perfect! My dad cut my bangs when I was in 7th grade and they were super short... awful... he "helpfully" reminded "the only difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is 2 weeks". Thanks Dad! ;) If it helps, Hyatt?!?

The Lanyons said...

I actually thought Hyatt's hair was really cute when you came out here. And Hyrum's wasn't even close to long! But your hair was the cutest of all. It looked so healthy and bouncy and adorable. I love that length on you.
And I DO have a hair dryer (a small travel-sized one) but I just hardly ever use it. I'm not much of a hair doer. You didn't need it though because you looked cute!

Teresa Jolley said...

She is chubby but oh so cute. Hyatt looks so handsome. And Talea is a doll. I hope you guys come for Thanksgiving I would LOVE to see you.