Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tilly's latest

I realized yesterday that I'd never thought to teach Talea how to write her last name. She's been so uninterested with writing and such until the last month or so, so I never thought about it. I was just excited to finally get her to want to learn to write her name! She can finally write her name (in capital and lower case), nickname (Tilly), and sibling's names (Hyatt and Kiersa) from memory, without help. I showed her yesterday how to write Johnson one time, and she caught on. I'm thrilled! It used to be a struggle to get her to want to do school stuff since she wanted to go play in the yard with bugs and such, but now she's excited for it and asks to do "home school" each day.

She showed Hyrum how well she could write it, on her second try, and Hyrum said she wrote it better than him. I have to agree. Talea's version is the top, and Hyrum's is the bottom.

Talea is really attached to Grammie (my mom). Probably because my mom always plays imaginary games with her, and Talea soaks it up. After Grammie came to visit us all with G G Anna, Talea drew a picture of Grammie to show her how much she loved her.

Tonight, Hyrum bought Talea the new Tinkerbell movie since she loves fairies, and after she finished watching it, she came running out of the bedroom, ran straight for Hyrum, jumped up on him, gave him a HUGE hug, kissed him on the cheek, and then snuggled up next to him. Of course that makes any dad's day, and when he asked if she liked her movie, she said, "I LOVED IT!" I made her reenact the scene so I could take a picture of it.


John-Maren Goodman said...

SMART Girl!!!! It's so sweet that she's a Daddy's girl! I'm jealous too!~

Cindi said...

She's so sweet. I love grateful children like that! :D And way to go on the spelling!!

The Lanyons said...

Hey, that movie still isn't available out here and Tabby really wants it! We have to wait until next month. Good job on her writing - she's great.

The Not-a-hoes said...

i have an aunt G G too! thats crazy! but i cant wait for a little person to love me like that!