Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A day with Aunt Daisha

Back on the day that Hyrum and I went to London by ourselves while Daisha watched our kids, and hers, ALL DAY AND NIGHT long, I forgot to post the pictures Daisha took of our kids playing with hers at the park. Not only did she take care of our kids, she took them places, including the park. Brave woman!!!

Daisha got to see Tilly's naughty side when she was playing with the balls by throwing them over the fence, and then reaching down to do it again even though Daisha told her she couldn't do that because she wouldn't be able to get the balls back. Tiiillllyyy!!! Naughty!

Here's the church and graveyard close to Daisha's house.

Dakota was such a fun cousin and brother to play with the kids at the park.

Our kids had a great time with Daisha and her kids that day, and they still miss them! We wish we were back visiting you, Daish!


The Lanyons said...

Awww, it was fun. And your kids are a breeze to look after.

The Not-a-hoes said...

they really are, well hyatt and talea are really easy and fun to watch! i miss those days of playing with them in the giant house, or outside on the swings. :(