Thursday, October 16, 2008

The mystery dog

Our cat, Little, must think she's a dog, because she's the best guard dog I've ever had. If any stray or wandering dogs even think of coming close to our property, she puffs up to twice her puffy size and tears off after them spitting and clawing all the way. She even has chased off a rottweiler/lab mix a couple of times.

Yesterday, I went down to do laundry in my dungeon shed, and while I was down there I fed the cats, then I looked up to find a mystery dog sheepishly making his way toward me from the laundry room area. I had no idea where he came from, and he was a Boston Terrier (an ugly breed in my opinion) with no collar, so I put the laundry basket down to hide him from Little (I was afraid she'd attack him) and grabbed a leash that luckily was close by. He seemed friendly enough, so I put the leash around his neck, then Little spotted him. She was quickly in a fury. I picked up the dog for his own protection (thankfully he didn't bite me) and carried him outside where I set him down. Bad mistake. Little came tearing over to kill him and took a couple swipes at him. He cried and shook, and I yelled and kicked at Little. I contemplated taking him over to the police station which is just down the alley and across the road, but all my kids were upstairs and I didn't want to leave them unsupervised. I tried to take the dog upstairs, but Little planted herself as a barricade on the steps and wasn't about to let me take him up there. I tried to pick her up, but she was so furiously intent on staring him down that she ended up biting me (gave me a paper cut-like scratch on my finger), so I ended up taking my shoe off and shoving her down the stairs with it. I ran the dog upstairs to get the kids, and the dog immediately sat on my rug and tried to do "the scoot"! Nasty little thing! He even had a nasty little pig tail! I gathered the kids together with shoes and jackets, but then I looked on the porch and saw Little, just waiting out there. I went outside and shooed her down the stairs again, then we headed out.

Hyatt wanted to hold the leash, so I let him since I was carrying Kiersa, who feels like she weighs 100 pounds, but when I went down the stairs first, the dog quickly followed me, which sent Hyatt down the stairs on his stomach, face first. He was then screaming, but still hadn't let go of the leash, so I rescued him, hefted Kiersa, and took over the leash, while yelling warnings to Little to keep her back. We made it into the alley in one piece, with Hyatt crying to be held and me with no hands to hold him. Tilly took on the job of chasing Little as she tried to follow us, but we finally made it across the street and into the police station. It turned out it was a dog reported as missing, so they called the owner and she came down right away exclaiming that her prayers had been answered. If only she knew what a ruckus he had caused! Plus, I was now going to be late for getting to the office so Hyrum could take off. I was glad that we made someone's day though. And the dog only had a bloody toe to tell the tale of his encounter with "Little".

By the way, our kittens are adorable. Anyone want one???


John-Maren Goodman said...

OH ME ME ME!! John would kill me, but i would love one for christmas!! come join us a bring one you thinnk I'd like!!!!!LOL

The Lanyons said...

That cracked me up! I love how tough your cat is! I wonder if Hyrum had a hand in toughening it up?