Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Say click! Take a pic!

Hyatt has a serious obsession with Diego. He wants to watch it all the time. I mean ALL the time. The one Diego DVD we have has been loved to death, to the point of scratching and skipping. He still loves it though. He got out his play camera the other day and told Hyrum and Talea to "say click", just like the camera on Diego.

Do you see what I mean about how my house can't stay tidy? Seriously! I'm ready for a bigger place so things will have a place.


The Lanyons said...

I know what you mean. People are always saying they don't want a big house because it'll be too hard to clean...I say RUBBISH! Small houses are much harder because you don't have a place for everything so it's constantly in disarray.

John-Maren Goodman said...

Braxton loves Diego too! Now I know what will entertain them both when they're together!!

The Not-a-hoes said...

haha im so pro at this cartoon thing already! i knew it was diego just from reading the title!! wahoo i guess 2 weeks with star prepared me enough for the cartoon times!